Tuesday, 19 April 2016: 1:45 PM
Ponce de Leon B (The Condado Hilton Plaza)
Simplified asymptotic models are developed to investigate tropical-extratropical interactions. Two kinds of interaction mechanisms are illustrated in the model: (i) MJO initiation through extraction of energy from the barotropic Rossby waves and (ii) MJO termination via energy transfer to extratropical Rossby waves. These waves interact directly in the presence of a climatological mean flow given by the Walker circulation. In the context of simplified models, the MJO skeleton model is included. A key aspect of the models here is that the water vapor and convective activities are interactive components of the model rather than specified external heating sources. The simplified models are systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for interactions between MJO which is derived from the skeleton model and barotropic Rossby waves by using multiscale asymptotics. The simplified ODEs allow for rapid investigation of a wide range of model parameters, such as initial conditions and wind shear. Background wind shear is shown to have only a minor effect on these interactions in the setup used here. The models illustrate realistic features of tropical-extratropical interactions on intraseasonal to seasonal timescales.