Handout (508.6 kB)
'Tropical-Storms' is an email mailing list only for those who are professionally active in either the research or forecasting of tropical storms worldwide. Its purpose is to help foster communication and interaction between research and forecasting communities. Topics include anything having to do with tropical storms or tropical meteorology which pertains to storms. 'Monsoon' is a companion list for the global monsoon community.
"I encourage all of you to keep up this excellent scientific dialog that is proving so valuable for the advancement of our field" -- Wayne Schubert
This talk will discuss the past, present and future of these lists, highlighting the members, and some of the interesting discussions. Many agree that the discussions have become important for enhancing tropical cyclone-monsoon knowledge. The dialog has been very successful at promoting the sharing of knowledge and the initiation of new research ideas.
This Tropical-Storms discussion group has been active for nearly 25 years and Monsoon group for 13 years. Today the Tropical-Storms list has over 1900 members. Chris Landsea, the co-founder of the list, actively assists with list promotion. John McBride is the co-founder of the Monsoon list and helps with every aspect of list operations. Monsoon now has over 500 members. All of these members for both lists have been screened by their education, career, and involvement with the tropical cyclone or monsoon communities. Every message, image, or attachment posted to these mailing lists are being archived for future reference. They are available on-line for members only.