Thursday, 21 April 2016: 11:45 AM
Ponce de Leon A (The Condado Hilton Plaza)
An analysis is presented of the failed re-development of ex-Gaston during the 2010 PREDICT field campaign based on the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) analyses. We analyze the dynamics and kinematics of ex-Gaston to investigate the role of dry, environmental air in the failed re-development. The flow topology defined by the calculation of particle trajectories shows that ex-Gaston's pouch was vulnerable to dry, environmental air on all days of observations. As early as 1200 UTC 02 September 2010, a dry layer at and above 600 hPa results in a decrease in the vertical mass flux and vertical, relative vorticity. These findings support the hypothesis that entrained, dry air near 600 hPa thwarted convective updraughts and vertical mass flux, which in turn led to a reduction in vorticity and a compromised pouch at these middle levels. A compromised pouch allows further intrusion of dry air and inhibits vorticity amplification. This study supports recent work investigating the role of dry air in moist convection during tropical cyclogenesis.