Friday, 20 April 2018: 9:15 AM
Heritage Ballroom (Sawgrass Marriott)
Enrico Scoccimarro, CMCC, Bologna, Italy; and P. Fogli, A. Bellucci, S. Gualdi, K. A. Reed, S. Masina, and A. Navarra
Through tropical cyclone (TC) activity the ocean and the atmosphere exchange a large amount of energy. In this work possible improvements introduced by a higher coupling frequency are tested between the two components of a climate model in the representation of TC intensity and TC–ocean feedbacks. The analysis is based on the new Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici Climate Model (CMCC-CM2-VHR), developed within the PRIMAVERA EU project, capable of representing realistic TCs up to category-5 storms. A significant role of the negative sea surface temperature (SST) feedback, leading to a weakening of the cyclone intensity, is made apparent by the improved representation of high-frequency coupled processes. The first part of this study demonstrates that a more realistic representation of strong TC count is obtained by coupling atmosphere and ocean components at hourly instead of daily frequency. Coherently, the positive bias of the annually averaged power dissipation index associated with TCs is reduced by one order of magnitude when coupling at the hourly frequency, compared to both forced mode and daily coupling frequency results.
The second part of this work shows a case study (a modeled category-5 typhoon) analysis to verify the impact of a more realistic representation of the high-frequency coupling in representing the TC effect on the ocean: for the first time we describe a TC influence on the deep ocean, highlighted by the high-coupling-frequency experiment compared to the low-frequency one, in terms of induced vertical velocity anomalies, down to 1000m.
This work demonstrates that an increased horizontal resolution of model components is not sufficient to ensure a realistic representation of intense and fast-moving systems, such as tropical and extratropical cyclones, but a concurrent increase in coupling frequency is required.
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