Thursday, 19 April 2018
Champions DEFGH (Sawgrass Marriott)
Recent tropical cyclone induced storm surge events have caused devastating damage to coastal communities, highlighting the need for increased forecasting accuracy and predictability. The physical mechanisms behind storm surge are well known, but uncertainties remain when modeling storm surge impacts. In this study, we will assess the use of two meteorological forcing configurations to hindcast the storm surge produced by Hurricane Sandy. We compare results in storm surge estimates with various meteorological forcing as input, and determine best practices in storm surge assessment. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is coupled to the Advanced Circulation Model (ADCIRC) to determine maximum water elevations. We perform four WRF-ADCIRC simulations each with varying meteorological forcing inputs. Two simulations are forced with track-based meteorological data calculated from WRF simulations, while the remaining two are forced with the full wind and pressure field output from WRF simulations. Our results indicate that in the absence of a best track data set, and for our ADCIRC model configuration, we require meteorological input in the form of full wind and pressure field output from a high resolution WRF simulation.