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The HCR was transitioned into the airborne configuration in 2012. Several intermediate engineering validations were conducted for evaluating its performance ground validation of the pod-based airborne system, integration with the HIAPER aircraft and finally, flight validation during a test flight in February 2013.
This paper describes the progress to date of HCR development including aircraft integration, calibration and radar performance. The preliminary engineering assessment of the ground-based inter-comparison with the Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR) showed the two systems were in good agreement. Preliminary data from the test flights are also included to demonstrate the airborne system performance. The high-altitude, aircraft exterior environmental information is included in the analysis of the system stability .
References: P. Tsai, E. Loew, J. Vivekanandan, J. Emmett, C. Burghart, S. Rauenbuehler, 2011: NCAR HIAPER Cloud Radar Design and Development. 35th Conf. on Radar Meteor, 25-30 September , 2011 G. Farquharson, E. Loew, J. Vivekanandan, W. Lee, 2007: A New High-Altitude Airborne Millimeter-Wave Radar for Atmospheric Research. 33rd Conf. on Radar Meteor, 6-10 August, 2007