Session 14A Millimeter Wavelength Radars: mm-Wave Radar Studies of Clouds

Thursday, 19 September 2013: 3:30 PM-5:30 PM
Colorado Ballroom (Peak 4, 3rd Floor) (Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center)
Host: 36th Conference on Radar Meteorology (16-20 September, 2013)
Nitin Bharadwaj, PNNL, Richland, WA and Herman Russchenberg, Delft Univ. of Technology, TU Delft Climate Institute, Delft

4:00 PM
Estimates of the Vertical Profile of Entrainment Rate from Millimeter-wavelength Radar Observations
Michael P. Jensen, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and T. Toto, P. Kollias, C. Lu, and T. J. Wagner
4:15 PM
Kinematic Study of Layered Clouds using Scanning Cloud Radar Observations
Paloma Borque, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and P. Kollias

4:30 PM
4:45 PM
Optimal estimates of rain profiles using multiple wavelength radar measurements at ARM SGP Central Facility
F. Tridon, Univ. of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; and A. Battaglia, P. Kollias, and E. P. Luke
5:00 PM
Estimating Radar Backscattering Cross Sections of Ice Crystals at Millimeter Wavelengths Using a Modified Rayleigh-Gans Theory
Yinghui Lu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA; and E. E. Clothiaux, K. Aydin, J. Verlinde, and G. Botta
5:15 PM
Ka-band ARM zenith profiling radar (KAZR) network for climate study
Nitin Bharadwaj, PNNL, Richland, WA; and A. Lindenmaier, K. B. Widener, K. L. Johnson, and V. Venkatesh
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner