J6.5 How I Became The World's Only TV Anchor Working From Home

Friday, 14 June 2019: 9:30 AM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Geoff Fox, DopplerDesign, Irvine, CA

I have the world's best commute. My TV studio is in my garage, green wall and all. I have forecast live on-air from coast-to-coast (actually desert not far from coast-to-coast) and currently produce 120 cuts a week ranging from :55 to 2:55 all from within walking distance of the 'fridge. And nearly all done standing in front of maps I've programmed into being -- around 40,000 a day.

I work alone. Using macros and a 'clicker' I direct while on-camera.

I love what I do and no longer deal with the grief of office politics. I hear no one's complaints.

Of course not everyone thinks this is a good idea. There is still reticence today. I only need to convince a few.

But, is it possible to do all this and make a living?

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