WeatherFest is an interactive public education and outreach event promoting the concepts and fundamental principles of meteorology, hydrology and oceanography using hands-on demonstrations, exhibits and activities which engage organizations and public. Most of all, plain language is stressed in order for the audience to feel comfortable and engage with the many organizations participating in WeatherFest. Children and parents are invited to come to WeatherFest to participate in hands-on type experiments/activities, and even give a weather forecast in front of an actual television screen. Most events also include the National Weather Service severe weather mascot, Owlie Skywarn. Hand-outs include weather safety information, career guides, scholarship information, and prizes. The local broadcast meteorologists play an important role in WeatherFest which provides an opportunity to talk with meteorologists providing daily forecasts and with safety personnel such as the American Red Cross and emergency managers. WeatherFest’s goal is to educate families about severe weather and safety and to excite children about science and science education. WeatherFest has been so successful it has become an annual event in some communities.
Best practice elements contributing to successful WeatherFest Programs will discussed.