1.1 The Spirit of Mentorship: Stories from the Field and a Philosophical Perspective

Wednesday, 12 June 2019: 10:45 AM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
H. Michael Mogil, How The Weatherworks, Naples, FL; and M. Bolton

We are 110% certain that anyone attending this conference wears a mentoring hat. It’s in our meteorology and broadcasting DNA. In addition to sharing stories from our mentoring work, we wish to share the philosophy we use in fostering the spirit of mentoring -- within the mentor as well as the mentee. We'll also share information about AMS and NWA efforts to furthering mentoring within the entire meteorological enterprise.

Our focus, however, will be on getting broadcaster attendees to talk more about their own mentoring experiences. This "brainstorming" framework should give all attendees many more practical ideas for furthering their mentoring efforts.

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