Composites of atmospheric fields over South America were constructed relative to onset and demise dates. The OLR composite maps for the onset period show that the deep convection starts over the northwest portion of the South America with a connection to the Pacific ITCZ. During the withdrawal phase, the deep convection overall is more active than during the onset phase, and it shows a connection to the Atlantic ITCZ.
The composite of 850-hPa wind circulation shows that before the onset wind flow is directed more perpendicular to the Andes Cordillera to the north of 10S. At the onset the flow near the Andes is directed more to the Southeast. This change is enough to increase the specific humidity in the study region. During the demise, the situation is the opposite but specific humidity deceases gradually in contrast to the rapid increases in specific humidity during the onset. This suggests that it takes some time to dry out the vegetation and evaporate the moisture accumulated during the rainy season. At the upper levels, prior to onset, the flow is primarily westerly over tropical South America south of the equator. At onset an anticyclonic circulation begins to develop near 65W and 5S. This anticyclone intensifies and propagates to the south coming to rest over Bolivia. Towards the end of the rainy season the anticyclone weakens and shifts northeastward. At the demise of the rainy season the anticyclone loses its character and no long features a closed circulation.
Within each rainy season, west-central Brazil experiences anomalously wet and dry periods. Wet periods are associated with low-level northwesterly and westerly flow east of the Andes that converges on west-central Brazil. Dry periods are associated with enhanced northwesterly over Paraguay and northern Argentina, and easterly anomalies over west-central Brazil.
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