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In this study, we utilize a spectral approach within a data assimilation framework to estimate valid spatial and temporal scales of the representativeness error structures as well as the sensitivity of the potential errors to various resolutions of the observations and model grid. In our approach, virtual observation data (the so-called true fields) are generated through a simulation with the PSU/NCAR MM5 modeling system. White noise is then added to the true" fields, and then certain points are removed to create a sparser degraded network of observations.
Results indicate that the largest scale field structures are correctly described even with the degraded observation network. However, at finer scales there are sufficient deviations from the true solution using the degraded observation network; the divergence in model solution begins almost immediately after the start of the simulation. Further, an effort to tune the model variables to the degraded observation locations leads to a disturbance of the fields by introducing new artificial sub-structures that do not dissipate and which arise from a combination of out-of-balance conditions and discrepancies in the local lower boundary conditions.
We conclude that in certain areas, such as the Polar region, where observation data is generally sufficiently sparser in spatial scale than either the model horizontal and vertical grid resolutions, data assimilation procedures must be properly designed and tuned so as not to overcorrect the spatial and temporal structures of meteorological fields at observation locations and thereby contribute to the drift of the model realization. This fact should be kept strongly in mind when developing an appropriate reanalysis for the Arctic regions.