Joint Session 2 |
| Air Quality in Megacities (Joint with the Symp on Planning, Nowcasting and Forecasting in the Urban Zone and Sixth Conf on Atmospheric Chemistry; Room 612) |
| Chairs: V. R. Kotamarthi, ANL, Argonne, IL; John McHenry, MCNC, Durham, NC
| 8:30 AM | J2.1 | Impacts of Asian Megacity Emissions on Regional Air Quality During Spring 2001 Sarath Guttikunda, World Bank, Washington, DC; and G. R. Carmichael, Y. Tang, N. Thongboonchoo, J. H. Woo, and L. Pan |
| 8:45 AM | J2.2 | An Urban Photochemistry Study in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile Bernhard Rappenglück, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; and R. Schmitz, M. Bauerfeind, F. Cereceda-Balic, D. von Baer, Y. Silva, M. A. Rubio, E. Lissi, and P. Oyola |
| 9:00 AM | J2.3 | Megacities as Sources of Black Carbon Jeffrey S. Gaffney, ANL, Argonne, IL; and N. A. Marley |
| 9:15 AM | J2.4 | Aerosol Properties and direct radiative forcing in Beijing in spring of 2001 Xiang-Ao Xia, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; and P. C. Wang and H. B. Chen |
| 9:30 AM | J2.5 | Measurements of Ammonia in Mexico City using Near-IR TDLAS Open Path System Nancy A. Marley, ANL, Argonne, IL; and J. S. Gaffney |
| 9:45 AM | | Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
| 11:00 AM | J2.6 | Use of a mobile laboratory to characterize in-use vehicle and other emission sources in Mexico City Metropolitan Area  J. T. Jayne, Aerodyne Research, Inc., Billrica, MA; and S. Herndon, T. Onasch, P. Mortimer, M. Canagaratna, C. E. Kolb, D. Worsnop, T. Rogers, B. Knighton, E. Dunlea, L. Marr, L. T. Molina, and M. Molina |
| 11:15 AM | J2.7 | Mixing height variations in a coastal megacity inferred from lidar, profiler, sonde, microwave temperature profiler, and aircraft Christina Smith, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and C. Senff, J. Nielsen-Gammon, A. White, W. Angevine, C. Berkowitz, M. Mahoney, S. O. Han, and C. Doran |
| 11:30 AM | J2.8 | Study of the Photochemical Processes in the Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Airshed Daewon W. Byun, University of Houston, Houston, TX |
| 11:45 AM | J2.9 | Photochemical Production Rates in Western Houston Carl M. Berkowitz, PNNL, Richland, WA; and C. W. Spicer and P. V. Doskey |
| 12:00 PM | J2.10 | National Air Quality Forecasting Capability: First Steps toward Implementation Paula M. Davidson, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and N. Seaman, K. Schere, R. A. Wayland, J. L. Hayes, and K. F. Carey |
| 12:15 PM | | Lunch Break
| 1:45 PM | J2.11 | Implementing the SMOKE Emissions Processing System with WRF-Chem: Progress and Early Results  John N. McHenry, Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, Research Triangle Park, NC; and C. Coats, K. Schere, G. Grell, and R. Imhoff |
| 2:00 PM | J2.12 | Real-time Prediction of US Northeast Corridor Ozone: Results for 2001–2002 as a Benchmark for Future Forecasts Systems  John N. McHenry, Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, Research Triangle Park, NC; and S. McKeen, W. F. Ryan, N. Seaman, J. Pudykiewicz, G. W. Grell, A. Stein, C. Coats, and J. Vukovich |
| 2:15 PM | J2.13 | Evaluation of the National Air Quality Forecast System (NAQFS): Summary of the Air Quality Forecasters Focus Group Workshop  William F. Ryan, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and P. Davidson, P. Stokols, and K. Carey |
| 2:30 PM | J2.14 | From raw air quality data to the nightly news: an overview of how EPA’s AIRNow program operates  Timothy S. Dye, Sonoma Technology, Inc., Petaluma, CA; and A. C. Chan, C. B. Anderson, D. E. Strohm, R. A. Wayland, and J. E. White |
| 2:45 PM | J2.15 | Comparisons between observations made during NEAQS and air quality forecasts from MM5 and WRF chemistry models  Steven E. Peckham, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado and NOAA/FSL, Boulder, CO; and G. A. Grell, S. A. McKeen, and R. Schmitz |
| 3:00 PM | | Coffee Break
| 3:30 PM | J2.16 | Development and Evaluation of the NOAA/EPA Prototype Air Quality Model Prediction System  Jeff McQueen, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD; and P. Lee, M. Tsidulko, G. DiMego, T. Otte, J. Pleim, J. Young, G. Pouliot, B. K. Eder, D. Kang, K. Schere, J. Gorline, M. Schenk, P. Dallavalle, W. Shaffer, P. Davidson, and N. Seaman |
| 3:45 PM | J2.17 | Future of AIRNow and the Air Quality Index: beyond ozone mapping and forecasting  Richard A. Wayland, EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC; and J. E. White, T. S. Dye, C. B. Anderson, A. C. Chan, and D. E. B. Strohm |
| 4:00 PM | J2.18 | Air quality modeling at coarse-to-fine scales in urban areas  Jason Ching, NOAA/ARL and U.S. EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC; and S. Dupont, J. A. Herwehe, T. Otte, A. Lacser, D. W. Byun, and R. Tang |
| 4:15 PM | J2.19 | The Air Quality four-Panel Chart  William F. Ryan, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and G. M. Bridgers, D. D. Salkovitz, and C. A. Piety |
| 4:30 PM | J2.20 | Urban and regional air quality modelling in the Pacific Northwest  Xin Qiu, RWDI West Inc., Guelph, ON, Canada; and M. Lepage, J. W. Boulton, M. Gauthier, and C. Di Cenzo |