The Fred Sanders Symposium

Session 1

 Cyclones (Room 617)
 Chair: Lance Bosart, University at Albany/SUNY, Albany, NY
9:00 AM1.1Fred Sanders’ Contribution to Improving the Forecast of Rapid Cyclogenesis   wrf recording
Louis W. Uccellini, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD; and R. Kistler, P. J. Kocin, and J. E. Sienkiewicz
9:15 AM1.2Quasi-Geostrophic Analysis of Explosive Marine Cyclogenesis: The Blizzard of ’78   wrf recording
Frank P. Colby Jr., Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA; and B. R. Colman
9:30 AM1.3Twenty-five years of progress: A look back at forecasting the “Blizzard of ‘78” and a comparison with current operational capabilities.   wrf recording
Bradley R. Colman, NOAA/NWS, Seattle, WA; and F. P. Colby
9:45 AM1.4The role of frontogenesis in the production of heavy cold-season precipitation events in the Saint Lawrence River valley  
John R. Gyakum, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; and D. Durnford, P. J. Roebber, P. A. Sisson, and R. McTaggart-Cowan
10:00 AM1.5Back to Norway   wrf recording
Kerry Emanuel, MIT, Cambridge, MA

Monday, 12 January 2004: 9:00 AM-10:15 AM, Room 617

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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