One of the primary goals of the VISIT program is to transfer research results to the operational community in a timely manner. Journal articles often take at least a year to appear after submission. Additionally, forecasters often don't take the time to wade through the details of technical papers, given their busy schedule. VISIT teletraining sessions are normally developed on a topic before a journal article is submitted, giving forecasters brand new tools and techniques to immediately apply to operations. Like journal articles, every session is peer reviewed by subject matter experts on the particular topic before it is presented to the field forecasters.
Some of the VISIT teletraining topics include: Mesoscale analysis of convective weather using GOES rapid scan operation imagery, Fog detection and analysis with satellite data, Anticipating mesoscale band formation in winter storms, Wildland fire detection using satellite imagery, TROWAL identification, and Lightning meteorology. Instructors include research meteorologists from the Cooperative Institute of Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), CIMSS, the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), the Warning Decision Training Branch (WDTB), and operational forecasters from the NWS.
This presentation will describe the VISIT program, and provide numerous examples of collaboration between the research and operational communities.
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