84th AMS Annual Meeting

Tuesday, 13 January 2004: 2:30 PM
Highlights from the Joint Polarization Experiment operational demonstration
Room 607
Kevin A. Scharfenberg, NOAA/NWS Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services, Norman, OK ; and P. L. Heinselman, D. J. Miller, D. L. Andra Jr., and M. P. Foster
Poster PDF (1.1 MB)
In 2002, the National Severe Storms Laboratory's research WSR-88D (KOUN) was upgraded to include polarimetric capabilities. The data from KOUN were delivered to the National Weather Service's Norman, Oklahoma Weather Forecast Office beginning in summer 2002, as part of the operational demonstration of the Joint Polarization Experiment. Forecasters used real time KOUN polarimetric data in the decision-making process during severe convection, flash flood events, and winter storms. This presentation overviews the operational demonstration, highlights several forecast success stories stemming from this new technology, discusses forecaster feedback, and considers upcoming opportunities and challenges as polarimetric radar data emerges into the operational community.

Supplementary URL: http://www.cimms.ou.edu/~schuur/jpole