84th AMS Annual Meeting

Session 4: Spatial Climate Technologies and Products (Parallel with Session J3) (Room 609/610)

Wednesday, 14 January 2004: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Room 609/610
Chair:  Christopher Daly, Oregon State University
  8:30 AM
Using PRISM climate grids and GIS for extreme precipitation mapping
George H. Taylor, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; and C. Daly

  8:45 AM
Mesoscale modeling as a tool for wind resource assessment and mapping
Michael Brower, TrueWind Solutions, Albany, NY and National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO; and J. W. Zack, B. Bailey, M. N. Schwartz, and D. L. Elliott

  9:00 AM
High Resolution 1971–2000 Mean Monthly Temperature Maps for the Western United States
Matthew Doggett, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; and C. Daly, J. Smith, W. Gibson, G. Taylor, G. Johnson, and P. Pasteris

  9:15 AM
Application of a Probabilistic Spatial Quality Control System to Daily Temperature Observations in Oregon
Wayne Gibson, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; and C. Daly, M. Doggett, J. Smith, and G. Taylor