The primary objectives of this paper are to describe the heritage NESDIS AVHRR SST Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) system and to document the latest validation results from NOAA -16, -17, and -18 AVHRRs from 2003 until the present. In situ SSTs are strongly contaminated due to instrument malfunction or erroneous data acquisition and relay. Quality control of the match-up dataset is critically important for ensuring proper calibration and validation of the satellite SST products. Robust identification of outliers is particularly crucial. A method for deriving robust location (mean) and scale parameters (RMSD) for outlier removal is adapted, which makes use of the entire distribution with a data-specific weighted function. The proposed scale parameter is based on the L moments, rather than conventionally used central moments, for characterizing the distribution of the match-up data about the average value. The L moment deviation (L2) is subsequently employed to exclude extreme values. The L2 approach proved to perform significantly better than the conventional approach without much loss of data.
Validation results show a typical global monthly bias within ±0.2°C and RMSD of about 0.4°C - 0.6°C. We also check the robustness and seasonal stability of the derived MC/NLSST coefficients and RMSD, and estimate their sensitivity to the quality control of the dataset. We conclude the presentation by identifying potential improvements to the heritage AVHRR SST Cal/Val system. The lessons learned from the heritage SST Cal/Val are directly applicable to the future SST products to be derived from GOES-R and NPOESS.
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