88th Annual Meeting (20-24 January 2008)

Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Operational GOES-SST and MSG-SEVIRI-SST products for GOES-R risk reduction
Exhibit Hall B (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Eileen Maria Maturi, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and A. Harris, J. Mittaz, and J. Sapper
The GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) represents a major investment in the next-generation of U.S. geostationary weather satellites. Risk reduction activities are underway to ensure that new data are both quickly transitioned to operational status and the products themselves are of a quality commensurate with the anticipated instrument capabilities. Here we concentrate on sea surface temperature which is a key climate parameter, and can serve as a powerful diagnostic of instrument performance and various key aspects of the processing chain, including calibration, cloud detection, instrument characterization and radiative transfer modeling (RTM). The current GOES-Imager possesses a relatively small subset of the ABI capabilities and a different proxy dataset is required to develop and test various schemes. This role is best filled by the SEVIRI instrument carried onboard the Meteosat Second Generation platform. The physical SST retrieval methodology developed for the operational MSG-SEVIRI required certain tunings (mainly radiance bias correction) to perform to its full potential. Similar techniques will be employed for the ABI. The extension from 5 (GOES Imager) to 12 channels (in the case of SEVIRI) is a significant first step in refining and testing the methodologies that will be required in the GOES-R era. Methods for Radiative Transfer bias corrections include expected vs. observed brightness temperature distributions as modeled using NWP fields. RTM and cross-instrument comparisons of hyperspectral and broadband radiometer data will be outlined. The retrieval accuracy obtained by applying a probabilistic cloud screening methodology using the new Bayesian approach compared with the traditional threshold-based scheme will also be described.

Although the SEVIRI instrument is considered to be a valuable proxy for the ABI, certain aspects are not well-matched (e.g. spin-scan vs 3-axis stabilized, and the over-broad 3.9 micron channel of the former) and the current GOES-Imager remains more useful for testing certain aspects of anticipated ABI performance. The careful analysis of both proxy datasets will be used to extrapolate the findings to the best estimate of ABI performance.

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