88th Annual Meeting (20-24 January 2008)

Poster Session 1: Fifth GOES Users' Confererence Poster Session

Wednesday, 23 January 2008: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Exhibit Hall B (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
ABI system overview

ABI scan scenario capabilities
David Crain, GeoMetWatch, Las Vegas, NV; and P. Griffith

GOES-R architecture framework
John W. Linn III, Noblis, Falls Church, VA; and L. Shipley

Development of the GOES-R AWG product processing system framework
Walter Wolf, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Camp Springs, MD; and L. Zhou, P. Keehn, Q. Guo, S. Sampson, S. Qiu, and M. D. Goldberg

GOES-R Downlink Services for Users
John Schimm, Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, CA; and J. Castellon, L. Kincaid, and L. E. Urner

Poster PDF (169.3 kB)
The GOES ABI ground processing development system
Jon Ormiston, ITT Space Systems Division, Fort Wayne, IN; and J. Blume, J. Ring, and J. Yoder

Development of the GOES-R ABI Outgoing Longwave Radiation product
Hai-Tien Lee, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and I. Laszlo and A. Gruber

Poster PDF (1.3 MB)
Applying split window technique for land surface temperature measurement from GOES-R advanced baseline imager
Yunyue Yu, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and D. Tarpley, M. K. Rama Varma Raja, H. Xu, and K. Y. Vinnikov

Development and validation of a BRDF model for ice mapping for the future GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) using Artificial Neural Network
Hosni Ghedira, NOAA-CREST, New York, NY; and M. Temimi, R. Nazari, P. Romanov, and R. Khanbilvardi

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GOES-R wind retrieval algorithm development
Iliana Genkova, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. Wanzong, C. S. Velden, D. A. Santek, J. Li, E. R. Olson, and J. A. Otkin


Validation of a GOES-R Broadband Shortwave Surface Transmission and TOA Albedo LUT method
Fred G. Rose, SSAI, Hampton, VA; and Q. Fu, I. Laszlo, and T. P. Charlock

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Examining the MTSAT-1R solar channel calibration
Hyoung-wook Chun, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea; and B. J. Sohn

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GOES-R ABI calibration approach
David S. Smith, ITT Space Systems Division, Fort Wayne, IN

The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS): A status report
Xiangqian Wu, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and M. Goldberg

Inter-calibration of geostationary imagers with MetOP/IASI hyperspectral measurements
Likun Wang, Dell Perot System, Camp Spring, MD; and C. Cao

Generating synthetic infrared GOES-R ABI Images with AVHRR and GOES images
William J. Emery, Univ of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and C. Roessler

Synthetic GOES-R Imagery Development and Uses
Lewis Grasso, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and M. Sengupta and D. T. Lindsey

Large-scale WRF model simulations used for GOES-R research activities
Jason A. Otkin, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and A. Huang, T. Greenwald, E. R. Olson, and J. Seiglaff

New instrumentation for characterizing the Moon as a standard for space-based radiometry
Allan Smith, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; and S. Lorentz, H. Yoon, R. Datla, D. Pollock, T. C. Stone, and J. Tansock

Preliminary study of lunar calibration for geostationary imagers
Seiichiro Kigawa, Japan Meteorological Agency, Kiyose-shi, Tokyo, Japan; and K. Miyaoka

Use of SEVIRI cloud properties to simulate radiative fluxes from GOES-R ABI
R. T. Pinker, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and R. Hollmann and H. Wang

Effect of GOES-R image navigation and registration errors on atmospheric motion vectors
Gary J. Jedlovec, NASA/MSFC/Short-Term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center, Huntsville, AL

GOES-13 End-to-End INR Performance Verification and Post Launch Testing
Christopher A. Carson, Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems, Las Cruces, NM; and J. L. Carr and C. Sayal

Poster PDF (1.5 MB)
The ABI Image and Navigation Registration
Ken Ellis, ITT Space Systems Division, Fort Wayne, IN; and K. Gounder, P. Griffith, D. Igli, A. Kamel, J. Ogle, and V. Virgilio

The ABI star sensing and star selection
Ken Ellis, ITT Space Systems Division, Fort Wayne, IN; and K. Gounder, P. Griffith, E. Hoffman, D. Igli, J. Ogle, and V. Virgilio

Poster PDF (295.1 kB)
ABI instrument performance simulation
Ken Ellis, ITT Space Systems Division, Fort Wayne, IN; and R. D. Forkert, J. Witulski, and V. N. Virgilio

GOES-R Proxy Data Management System
Tong Zhu, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and M. J. Kim, F. Weng, M. Goldberg, A. Huang, M. Sengupta, D. K. Zhou, and B. Ruston

Poster PDF (166.9 kB)
Simulation of GOES-R ABI Radiances for OSSE
Tong Zhu, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and F. Weng, M. Masutani, S. Lord, J. Woollen, Q. Liu, and S. A. Boukabara

Poster PDF (231.0 kB)
Multi-spectral precipitation estimation using Artificial Neural Networks
Ali Behrangi, Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing (CHRS), Irvine, CA; and K. L. Hsu, S. Sorooshian, and R. Kuligowski

Improving Nowcasting of convective storm development using MSG SEVIRI, MODIS, and GOES-12 imagery as risk reduction for GOES-R ABI
Kristopher M. Bedka, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and W. F. Feltz, J. Sieglaff, and J. R. Mecikalski

GOES Winter Precipitation efficiency algorithm
Robert M. Rabin, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and J. Hanna

Proxy ABI datasets relevant for fire detection that are derived from MODIS data
Scott S. Lindstrom, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison SSEC/CIMSS, Madison, WI; and C. C. Schmidt, E. M. Prins, J. Hoffman, J. Brunner, and T. J. Schmit

Poster PDF (150.0 kB)
Validating GOES active fire detection product using ASTER and ETM+
Wilfrid Schroeder, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and I. Csiszar, E. M. Prins, C. C. Schmidt, and M. G. Ruminski

GOES-R ABI fire detection and monitoring development activities
Christopher C. Schmidt, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. Lindstrom, J. Hoffman, J. Brunner, and E. M. Prins

Quantifying uncertainties in fire size and temperature measured by GOES-R ABI
Manajit Sengupta, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and L. Grasso, D. W. Hillger, R. Brummer, and M. DeMaria

Poster PDF (105.0 kB)
Quality Assessment of the GOES-R AWG Level 2 Product Processing System
Lihang Zhou, Perot System, Fairfax, VA; and W. W. Wolf, S. Qu, P. Keehn, Q. Guo, S. Sampson, and M. D. Goldberg

Trade-off studies on future GOES hyperspectral infrared sounding instrument
Jinlong Li, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. Li, T. J. Schmit, and J. J. Gurka

Sounder options in the GOES-R era
David Crain, GeoMetWatch, Las Vegas, NV

Hyperspectral infrared alone cloudy sounding algorithm development
Elisabeth Weisz, Univ. of Wisconsin/CIMSS, Madison, WI; and J. Li, C. Y. Liu, D. K. Zhou, H. L. Huang, and M. Goldberg

Improved GOES water vapor products over CONUS – planning for GOES-R
Daniel Birkenheuer, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, CO; and S. I. Gutman, S. Sahm, and K. Holub

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Aerosol size density characterization for single scattering using Artificial Neural Network
Andres Bonilla, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR; and H. Parsiani

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AER general 1D-Var retrieval infrastructure: transition from research to operations
Richard J. Lynch, AER, Inc., Lexington, MA; and J. L. Moncet, A. Lipton, D. Hogan, R. d'Entremont, and H. Snell

The GOES-R User Readiness Group, engaging and preparing the users for GOES-R data
Kenneth H. Lowe, Noblis, Falls Church, VA; and M. Goldberg and J. Daniels

GOES-R Algorithm Working Group: Space weather team update
S. Hill, NOAA/NWS, Boulder, CO; and H. J. Singer, T. Onsager, R. Viereck, D. Biesecker, C. C. Balch, D. C. Wilkinson, M. Shouldis, P. Loto'aniu, J. Gannon, and L. Mayer

Space weather products from the GOES-R magnetometer
Paul T.M. Loto'aniu, NOAA/NWS, Boulder, CO; and H. J. Singer

Improving space weather forecasts using solar coronagraph data
Simon P. Plunkett, NRL, Washington, DC; and A. Vourlidas, D. R. McMullin, K. Battams, and R. C. Colaninno

GOES-N EUVS observations during post-launch testing
Douglas J. Strickland, Computational Physics, Inc., Springfield, VA; and J. S. Evans, W. K. Woo, D. R. McMullin, S. P. Plunkett, and R. Viereck

GOES-N EUVS field of view sensitivities and modeling
Donald R. McMullin, Praxis, Inc., Alexandria, VA; and D. J. Strickland, J. S. Evans, W. K. Woo, S. P. Plunkett, and R. Viereck

A microwave sounder for geostationary orbit
Bjorn H. Lambrigtsen, JPL and California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Activities of GOES-R land applications working group team
Dan Tarpley, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and Y. Yu, P. Romanov, E. Prins, K. Gallo, F. Kogan, H. Xu, M. K. RamaVarma Raja, K. Y. Vinnikov, M. Goldberg, S. Qiu, and J. L. Privette

Seasonal, Diurnal, and Weather Related Variations of Clear Sky Land Surface Temperature: A Statistical Assessment
Konstantin Y. Vinnikov, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and Y. Yu, M. K. Rama Varma Raja, J. D. Tarpley, and M. D. Goldberg

Enhanced Observation Capability of the New Generation Geostationary Satellites for Better Vegetation Monitoring
Peter Romanov, University of Maryland and NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and H. Xu and D. Tarpley

Comparison of GOES cloud classification algorithms employing explicit and implicit physics
Richard L. Bankert, NRL, Monterey, CA; and C. Mitrescu, S. D. Miller, and R. H. Wade

Poster PDF (1.1 MB)
Estimation of Sea and Lake Ice Characteristics with GOES-R ABI
Xuanji Wang, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. R. Key, Y. Liu, and W. Straka III

Poster PDF (1.5 MB)
On the use of geostationary satellites for remote sensing in the high latitudes
Yinghui Liu, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. Key and X. Wang Sr.

Operational GOES-SST and MSG-SEVIRI-SST products for GOES-R risk reduction
Eileen Maria Maturi, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and A. Harris, J. Mittaz, and J. Sapper

Overview of the NESDIS heritage AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature Calibration/Validation system
Dilkushi De Alwis, NOAA/NESDIS and CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Camp Springs, MD; and A. Ignatov, J. Sapper, P. Dash, W. G. Pichel, Y. Kihai, and X. Li

Validation of Real-Time GOES Products Using GLAS and CALIPSO Data
Louis Nguyen, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis, D. A. Spangenberg, J. K. Ayers, R. Palikonda, M. L. Nordeen, and T. L. Chee

The Manual Cloud Filtering of GOES-satellite data through combined use of satellite and ground measurements
M. K. Rama Varma Raja, I. M. Systems Group, Inc. and NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Camp Springs, MD; and Y. Yu, D. Tarpley, H. Xu, and K. Y. Vinnikov

Status update from the GOES-R Hydrology Algorithm Team
Robert J. Kuligowski, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD

Conditions influencing Hurricane Emily's (2005) precipitation patterns and upper tropospheric outflow

Possible impacts of GOES-R temporal resolution on tropical cyclone intensity estimates
John L. Beven II, NOAA/AOML/NHC/TPC, Miami, FL; and C. S. Velden and T. L. Olander

Verifying large-scale, high-resolution simulations of clouds for GOES-R activities
Thomas Greenwald, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. Sieglaff, Y. K. Lee, H. L. Huang, J. Otkin, E. Olson, and M. Gunshor

Retrieving cloud properties for multilayered clouds using simulated GOES-R data
Fu-Lung Chang, National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis, B. Lin, R. Palikonda, M. Khaiyer, S. Sun-Mack, and P. Yang

Nighttime retrieval of cloud microphysical properties for GOES-R
Patrick W. Heck, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and P. Minnis, R. Palikonda, C. R. Yost, F. L. Chang, and A. K. Heidinger

Poster PDF (1.3 MB)
Transitioning GOES-based nowcasting capability into the GOES-R era
Brian L. Vant-Hull, NOAA/CREST CCNY, New York, NY; and M. Ba, R. Rabin, D. S. Mahani, R. J. Kuligowski, A. Gruber, and S. B. Smith

Nowcasting of Thunderstorms from GOES Infrared and Visible Imagery
Valliappa Lakshmanan, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and R. M. Rabin

Poster PDF (902.4 kB)
Mission Availability Improvements for GOES-R
Larry E. Urner, Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, CA; and J. Castellon, M. Hanson, and S. Sawyer

Poster PDF (26.6 kB)
Determination of aircraft icing threat from satellite
William L. Smith Jr., NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis and D. A. Spangenberg

Cloud statistics over agricultural and mixed forest areas
Valentine Anantharaj, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS; and U. S. Nair, D. Berendes, S. Asefi, and J. G. Fairman Jr.

Development of severe weather products for the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager
Daniel T. Lindsey, NOAA/NESDIS, Fort Collins, CO; and D. W. Hillger and L. Grasso

Algorithm and Software Development of Atmospheric Motion Vector Products for the GOES-R ABI
Jaime M. Daniels, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and W. Bresky, C. Velden, I. Genkova, S. Wanzong, and D. Santek

An enhanced IDEA product with GOES AOD
Hai Zhang, JCET/Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; and R. M. Hoff, S. Kondragunta, I. Laszlo, and A. Wimmers

An initial assessment of the GOES Microburst Windspeed Potential Index
Kenneth L. Pryor, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD


Poster PDF (728.8 kB)
GOES-R Applications for the Assessment of Aviation Hazards
Kenneth L. Pryor, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and W. Feltz, J. R. Mecikalski, M. Pavolonis, and W. L. Smith Jr.


Application of Multi-Spectral Data to Space Shuttle Landing Operations
Doris A. Hood, NWS Spaceflight Meteorology Group, Houston, TX; and T. Garner and T. Oram

Weather Information and Decision Systems (WxIDS): Looking to the future of data processing and decision support systems
Dylan Powell, Lockheed Martin, Greenbelt, MD; and J. A. Dutton, J. Ross, J. Sroga, C. F. Chang, R. Pickens, S. Pitter, K. Leesman, G. Young, P. G. Knight, N. L. Seaman, J. Nese, G. Haselfeld, R. Wessels, and M. Dhondt

Development of simulated GOES products for the GFS and the NAM
Hui-ya Chuang, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD; and B. Ferrier

Current GOES Sounder applications and future needs
Jun Li, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and T. J. Schmit, J. J. Gurka, J. Daniels, M. D. Goldberg, and P. Menzel

GOES-R ABI proxy data set generation at CIMSS
Mathew M. Gunshor, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and E. Olson, J. Sieglaff, T. Greenwald, A. Huang, and J. A. Otkin

GOES-R mesoscale product development
Renate Brummer, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and M. DeMaria, J. Knaff, B. H. Connell, J. F. Dostalek, and D. Zupanski

Poster PDF (105.5 kB)
GOES-R/ABI legacy profile algorithm evaluation with MSG/SEVIRI
Xin Jin, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and J. Li, T. J. Schmit, J. Li, E. Weisz, and Z. Li

High spatial and temporal resolution retrievals obtained from the combination of GOES-R multispectral ABI and joint polar satellite ultraspectral radiances
William Smith Sr., Hampton Univ., Hampton, VA; and S. Kireev, D. Zhou, A. M. Larar, X. Liu, M. D. Goldberg, and E. M. Maturi

Real-time display of simulated GOES-R experimental products
Donald W. Hillger, NOAA/NEDSIS/StAR/RAMM Branch, Fort Collins, CO CO

Recasting HYDRA into the next generation of McIDAS
Thomas D. Rink, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and T. Whittaker, T. H. Achtor, B. Flynn, G. Dengel, and K. Baggett

Looking Ahead to GOES-R Space Weather Data Archive, Access, and User Services
Daniel C. Wilkinson, NOAA/NESDIS, Boulder, CO; and W. F. Denig

Remapping GOES Imager Instrument Data for South American Operations, Implementing the XGOHI System
Shahram Tehranian, Nortel Government Solutions, Lanham, MD; and J. L. Carr, S. Yang, H. Madani, S. Vasanth, K. Mckenzie, T. J. Schmit, A. Swaroop, and R. DiRosario

Poster PDF (389.2 kB)
GOES-10 @ 60 West – a Wisconsin perspective
Timothy J. Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS, Madison, WI; and J. Li, J. P. Nelson III, A. J. Schreiner, G. S. Wade, and Z. Li


Poster PDF (266.5 kB)
Deep convection defined by split window
Toshiro Inoue, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan


GOES-R 2008 User Conference Poster Abstract for the NOAA CLASS Project
Robert Rank, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and F. Vizbulis