Based on the forecasted 700 hPa streamlines and 850 hPa relative vorticity, a correlation could be established with the forecasted accumulated precipitation relative to the AEW location since the beginning of each simulation. Cyclonic relative vorticity responded to the mesoscale convective systems (MCS) intensity changes indicating that precipitation by MCS played a role in the strengthening and weakening of the AEW associated with Hurricane Danielle. Over the African continent, reduction in the rainfall amount is attributed to the possible advection of dry air by north-northeasterly flow. However, redevelopment and amplification of precipitation is mostly attributed to moisture entrainment from the Gulf of Guinea by the southerly flow and also by the effects of orography. Even though a delay in the time that the AEW was expected to come off the African coast was forecasted by all the simulations, the westward moving convective pattern associated with the Hurricane Danielle precursor observed in the Meteosat-7 infrared (IR) satellite observations was captured by the simulations, in particular by those that were able to forecast cyclogenesis.
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