To provide emergency managers with better guidance, National Weather Service storm surge experts have historically used ensembles of hypothetical storms to create potential flooding products. While these products are good for creating evacuation plans, they are not directly associated with the current hurricane forecast, and so can result in overestimates. An alternative probabilistic ensemble method has been developed for operational use. It creates an ensemble of hypothetical storms by combining the parameters, from the current hurricane forecast, used by the storm surge model to describe the hurricane's track and surface wind structure, with the historic error distributions associated with those parameters. The results created by running the ensemble of hypothetical storms through the storm surge model can then be combined, based on the likelihood of each storm's particular variation of the input parameters, to create probabilistic guidance for hurricane storm surge.
This paper will describe the probabilistic ensemble method and demonstrate the reliability of the probabilistic forecast. It will also describe the two experimental products used to portray the storm surge hazard.
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