88th Annual Meeting (20-24 January 2008)

Monday, 21 January 2008
TAFWarn - a situational awareness tool : helping forecasters monitor TAFs in an age of information overload
Exhibit Hall B (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Erik De Groot, EC, Edmonton, AB, Canada; and R. Honch
Poster PDF (82.4 kB)
In a world of increasing weather information more and more demands are made upon the forecaster's attention. For example, aviation forecasters in CMAC must monitor approximately 180 TAFs and maintain an active weather watch. To help address this challenge CMAC has developed software which monitors existing TAFs for current problems, potential problems, special observations, and nearby lightning. This allows the forecaster to be easily and more quickly alerted to changes in weather that are occurring at forecast locations. The software works with workload allocation software to allow consistent monitoring of weather when work is shifted between forecasters. TAFWarn uses persistence techniques to alert the forecaster to future times when the currently valid TAF will no longer be in compliance and gives the reason why an amendment will be required. Examples include dissipation/formation of fog in 2 hours time or onset/cessation of snow in 3 hours time. The newest version of the software is prototyping a ‘health score' that compares the TAF with the current observation using fuzzy techniques and alerts the forecaster when potential problems are starting to occur. Examples include a moderate north wind forecast while a light south wind is observed. The software will be presented with examples shown as well as a discussion on plans to include automated guidance in future versions.

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