Saturday, 10 January 2009 |
| 7:30 AM-10:00 AM, Saturday Student Conference Badge Pick-up Only |
| 7:30 AM-9:00 AM, Saturday Session Student Conference Registration, AMS Registration Desk |
| 9:00 AM-10:00 AM, Saturday, Room 124AB Session Welcome & Introductions |
| 9:00 AM | | Welcome from the Student Conference Program Chair, Kim Klockow, Student Conference Co-Chair & Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| 9:05 AM | | Welcome from the AMS, Walter F. Dabberdt, AMS President, Vaisala Inc., Boulder, CO
| 9:10 AM | | Message from the AMS Teaching Excellence Award Winner, TBA
| 9:20 AM | | Welcome from Your Peers, Chris Schultz, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
| 9:30 AM | | Group Breakout Activity
| 10:00 AM-11:00 AM, Saturday, Room 124AB Session 1 Get the Most out of This Conference: How to Develop Yourself as a Professional |
Chair: Christopher J. Schultz, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
| 10:00 AM | | Understanding Your Role as an Atmospheric Scientist, Bill Hooke, AMS Policy Program, Washington DC
| 10:15 AM | | Professional Development, Sundar Christopher, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
| 10:30 AM | | Being Flexible and Multi-Faceted, Bruce Thomas, Midland Weather Radio, Kansas City, MO
| 10:45 AM | | Skills in Multiple Areas, DeWayne Mitchell, Weather Decision Technologies, Norman, OK
| 11:00 AM-11:30 AM, Saturday Session 2 Conversations with Professionals—I |
Chair: Marcus D. Walter, Pennsylvania State Univ. / NCAR, University Park, PA
| | | Julie Demuth, WAS*IS/NCAR, Boulder, CO
| | | Bill Murtagh, NOAA/SEC, Boulder, CO
| | | TBD, WeatherBug
| | | Louis Uccellini, NOAA/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD
| | | Michael Hesse, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD
| | | Lika Guhathakurta, NASA, Washington DC
| | | Walt Lyons, Sky Fire Productions, Inc., Ft. Collins, CO
| | | Dan Sarowitz
| | | Tony Haffer, NWS, Phoenix, AZ
| | | Jack Hayes, NWS, Silver Spring, MD
| | | Mohan Ramamurthy, Unidata, Boulder, CO
| | | Jill Hasling, Weather Research Center, Houston, TX
| | | Meghan White, St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, MO
| | | Bob Dreiswerd, Baron Services, Huntsville, AL
| 11:30 AM-12:45 PM, Saturday, Ballroom A Session Student Conference Luncheon (International Cooperation, with Jack Hayes (Director, NWS), Alex Schenckman (University of Oklahoma), and I-Tee Lee (National Central University, Taiwan)) |
| | | International Cooperation, with Jack Hayes, NWS, Silver Spring, MD, Alex Schenckman, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK & I-Tee Lee, National Central Univ., Taiwan
| 12:45 PM-2:45 PM, Saturday Session 3 Conversation with Professionals—II |
Chair: Marcus D. Walter, Pennsylvania State Univ. / NCAR, University Park, PA
| 12:45 PM | | (See list of participants from the previous session)
| 2:15 PM-2:45 PM, Saturday, Room 124AB AMS Student Chapter Town Hall Meeting |
| 2:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday Session Student Conference Coffee Break |
| 3:00 PM-4:40 PM, Saturday, Room 124AB Session 4A Undergraduates: An informative guide for life after graduation |
Chair: Scott M. Mackaro, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, CO
| 3:00 PM | | Mentorship, and How to Find Your Mentor! Raj Pandya, UCAR/SOARS, Boulder, CO
| 3:20 PM | | Survey on Graduate Admissions, John Nielsen-Gammon, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX
| 3:40 PM | | How to Separate Yourself from the Applicants' Field, Kevin Kloesel, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| 4:00 PM | | The Variety of Government Opportunities, Brandon Dunstan, WFO, Raleigh, NC
| 4:20 PM | | Where to Look for Jobs, and Timeline of Job-Seeking Events, Andrea Bleistein, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD
| 3:00 PM-4:40 PM, Saturday, Room 129AB Session 4B Graduate Students: An informative guide for life in graduate school |
Chair: Jessica Busse, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
| 3:00 PM | | Non-Academic Career Paths, Addison-Sears Collins, Swiss Reinsurance, Atlanta, GA
| 3:20 PM | | Funding Opportunities, TBA
| 3:40 PM | | Research HOT Topics, Roger Wakimoto, NCAR/EOL, Boulder, CO
| 4:00 PM | | Open Forum, Positioning Yourself for a Successful Career, Roger Wakimoto, NCAR/EOL, Boulder, CO
| 4:40 PM-5:00 PM, Saturday, Room 124AB Session Closing Remarks and End of Day 1 Feedback |
| 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Saturday, Hall 5 Session Career Fair and Graduate School Reception |
Sunday, 11 January 2009 |
| 9:00 AM-9:30 AM, Sunday, Room 124AB Session 5 Icebreaker: Writing Effective Titles, Yvette Hancock, University of York, York, UK, and David Schultz, University of Helsinki and FMI, Helsinki, Finland |
| 9:30 AM-10:15 AM, Sunday, Room 124AB Session 6 Panel of Young Professionals |
Chair: Heather A. Dinon, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH
| | | Charlie Woodrum, NWS, Wilmington, OH
| | | Kenny Trapp, Entrepreneurial pursuits!, Norman, OK
| | | Kristen Cummings, Plymouth State Univ., Plymouth, NH
| | | Denise Isaac, Telemundo, Alexandria, VA
| 10:15 AM-11:15 AM, Sunday, Room 124AB Session 7 HOT Topics in Local Weather |
Chair: Renee Curry, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| 10:15 AM | | Phoenix Water and Electricity, Jon Skindlov, Salt River Project, Phoenix, AZ
| 10:30 AM | | Flood Control District, Steve Waters, Flood control District of Maricopa County, Phoenix, AZ
| 10:45 AM | | Health and Heat Issues, Robert French,
| 11:00 AM | | Volunteer Outreach to the Homeless, Rebecca Franco
| 11:15 AM-11:20 AM, Sunday Session Student Conference Coffee Break |
| 11:20 AM-12:20 PM, Sunday, Room 124AB Session 8 Weather Outside the Lines |
Chair: Angelyn Kolodziej, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| 11:20 AM | | Innovative Climatology, Ryan Boyles, NC State Climatologist, Raleigh, NC
| 11:35 AM | | Weather in the Military, Jennifer Alexander, 45th Weather Squadron, Patrick AFB, FL
| 11:50 AM | | Weather Around the World, Molly Brown, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD
| 12:05 PM | | Weather Modification Joe Golden, GSD/ESRL/NOAA, Boulder, CO
| 12:20 PM-1:15 PM, Sunday, Ballroom A Session Student Conference Closing Luncheon (Kaj O’Mara, an inspiring career in a few short years) |
| | | Kaj O'Mara, KCRG TV, Cedar Rapids, IA
| 2:00 PM-4:00 PM, Sunday, Room 124AB Session 9 Education Forum on Improving Your Writing Skills for Students and Scientists. David Schultz, Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland |
| 5:30 PM-7:00 PM, Sunday Poster Session 1 Student Conference Posters |
| | P1.1 | Gulf Coast forest damage detection and carbon flux estimation using ICESat GLAS and Landsat TM Jason Brent Jones, NASA DEVELOP Program, Stennis Space Center, MS; and L. M. Childs, M. W. Brozen, M. C. Batina, A. Maki, A. O. Brooks, J. W. Frey, and C. Chappell |
| | P1.2 | Evaluation of NWS watch and warning performance related to tornadic events Kelly M. Keene, National Weather Center Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Norman, OK ; and P. T. Schlatter, J. E. Hales, and H. Brooks |
| | P1.3 | Applying Wind Climatology to Oklahoma Prescribed Burns Jeffrey Scott Zuczek, National Weather Center Research Experience for Undergraduates, Kennett Square, PA; and M. A. Shafer |
| | P1.4 | The response of university students to Severe Weather Watches Rebecca Marie Belobraydich, National Weather Center REU, Norman, OK; and M. D. Biddle |
| | P1.5 | An outline of the process needed for student understanding of hurricanes and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Karl C. Clarke, UCAR, Boulder, CO |
| | P1.6 | The practicality of geoengineering Allison Marquardt, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; and A. Robock, B. Kravitz, and G. Stenchikov |
| | P1.7 | Evaluation of the Environmental Protection Agency / National Weather Service Ultraviolet Index forecast against independent UV measurements: Phoenix Arizona (2000-2006) Jessica M. Nolte, NOAA/NWS, Phoenix, AZ; and K. DeBiasse and B. M. Svoma |
| | P1.8 | The 18 October 2007, Nappanee, IN Tornado Viewed by a WSR-88D Radar and a Dual-Polarized Radar Stephanie L. Dunten, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN |
| | P1.9 | Investigating the ability of CLM-CN 3.5 to accurately simulate vegetation density Eowyn C. Connolly-Brown, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY |
| | P1.10 | Seasonal frequency of fronts and surface baroclinic zones in the Great Lakes region Melissa Payer, University at Albany, Albany, NY; and R. Maliawco, N. Laird, and E. G. Hoffman |
| | P1.11 | Semi-Empirical Projections of Future Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity Thomas A. Sabbatelli, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; and M. E. Mann, J. L. Evans, and S. K. Miller |
| | P1.12 | Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry in the Arctic: Results from the 2008 International Polar Year (IPY) ICEALOT Experiment Maria C. Zatko, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA |
| | P1.13 | Midlevel Cloud Properties from the A-train Joel P. Scott, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and S. L. Nasiri |
| | P1.14 | Regional analysis of heavy precipitation over Puerto Rico during 1975-2005 Luis D. Padilla-Bauzá Sr., University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR; and R. Méndez-Tejeda |
| | P1.15 | The Super Tuesday Tornado Outbreak from February 2008 Richard J. Krupar III, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN; and A. E. Reynolds, T. Brown, A. McMillan, D. Liang, and J. A. Womble |
| | P1.16 | QPF Verification for the Alaska-Pacific River Forecast Center Richard, C. Lam, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK |
| | P1.17 | How Integrating MODIS Data Enhances Numerical Predictions of Sea Breezes Jordan Gerth, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI |
| | P1.18 | Cold temperature ozone production in a mountain basin Ryan R. Neely III, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado; and R. C. Schnell, S. J. Oltmans, J. V. Molenar, A. B. White, and M. S. Endres |
| | P1.19 | Analysis on 2008 Ice Disaster and its causes in Southern China Tiantian Liu, Meteorological Bureau of HuNan Province, Changsha, Hunan, China; and N. Liu, C. Liao, and J. Ren |
| | P1.20 | The Relationship of Transient Upper-Level Troughs to Variability of the North American Monsoon System Stephen W. Bieda III, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and C. L. Castro, S. L. Mullen, A. C. Comrie, and E. S. Pytlak |
| | P1.21 | The environmental impacts on the structure and evolution of a cirrus anvil during the CRYSTAL-FACE campaign in Florida 2002 Nicole Ann Hastings, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, WY |
| | P1.22 | Estimating correlations from a coastal ocean model for localizing an Ensemble Transform Kalman filter Jonathan Poterjoy, Millersville University, Millersville, PA; and R. N. Hoffman and S. M. Leidner |
| | P1.23 | Impacts of climate change on the summer rainfall of the Southern Rocky Mountains Roque Vinicio Céspedes, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Hialeah, FL; and G. J. Holland and R. D. Loft |
| | P1.24 | Observing tropical ice as an intraseasonal oscillation variable Holly Searcy Ramey, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL |
| | P1.25 | The AMO and Sahel rainfall - strong potential for seasonal forecasting of droughts Amin K. Dezfuli, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL |
| | P1.26 | Upslope snow climatology on the Allegheny Front Range Joseph Peter Wegman, SUNY, Oswego, NY |
| | P1.27 | Vulnerability metrics of hurricane forecast accuracy Adam D. Arnold, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; and J. L. Evans |
| | P1.28 | Assessing tropical cyclone contribution to global annual rainfall Christopher L. Williams, SOARS/UCAR, Atlanta, GA; and F. D. Marks |
| | P1.29 | Analysis of Aerosol Size Spectrum Measurements from North Dakota, Saudi Arabia, and Mali Kelsey Watkins, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND |
| | P1.30 | A stereoscopic cloud top height retrieval technique from combined geostationary and low earth orbiting satellites Bruce Veenhuis Jr., Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and G. Liu |
| | P1.31 | The interannual variability of biomass burning in North America using MODIS data: observations and meteorological influences David A. Peterson, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; and J. Wang, L. Remer, and C. Ichoku |
| | P1.32 | The evaluation and application of CALIPSO products by NASA DEVELOP students Alexander Matus, DEVELOP National Program, Hampton, VA; and B. Scarino, D. Henderson, and B. Lee |
| | P1.33 | Application of the Statistical Theory of Extreme Values to Heat Waves Marcus D. Walter, NCAR / SOARS, Ithaca, NY |
| | P1.34 | Comparison of Water Vapor Measurements from GPS Atmospheric Remote Sensing Techniques Ian C. Colon-Pagan, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and B. Kuo, W. S. Schreiner, D. Hunt, and J. J. Braun |
| | P1.35 | Determining useful forecasting parameters for lake-effect snow events on the west side of Lake Michigan Bradley M. Hegyi, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; and K. A. Kloesel |
| | P1.36 | Analysis and verification of multi-sensor precipitation estimates for the Texas Coastal Bend Angelica M. Villarreal, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, TX; and P. E. Tissot and R. G. Hay |
| | P1.37 | Nocturnal inversions over the Central Plains of the U.S. (1960-2007) Karen Galvin, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS; and P. G. Dixon |
| | P1.38 | Sensitivity of mesoscale wind speed surface analyses to surface observations in the urban-wildlife interface Matthew Clayton Brewer, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; and J. Horel and D. Tyndall |
| | P1.39 | Influence of the El Niño Southern Oscillation on Seasonal Global Clouds Sarah A. Monette, Madison, WI; and M. H. Hitchman |
| | P1.40 | Convective transport of chemical constituents at Northern Alabama and Central Oklahoma; A numerical analysis Lumari Pardo-Rodriguez, SOARS, UCAR, Lajas, PR |
| | P1.41 | Hydroxyl radical and sulfuric acid concentrations in Manitou Experimental Forest Talea Mayo, University of Texas, Austin, TX; and L. Mauldin, J. McGrath, and T. Petaja |
| | P1.42 | Late season tropical cyclone formation over the northeastern Atlantic Ocean: 1975-2005 Rachel G. Mauk, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH |
| | P1.43 | Illustrating Stratified Ekman Upwelling with Weather in a Tank Carter Chamberlain, Univ. of Massachussetts, North Dartmouth, MA; and A. Tandon and J. Marshall |
| | P1.44 | Precipitation distributions for storm types in southeast Texas Jennifer M. Stein, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas; and M. D. Cohen, L. J. Hopper, and C. Schumacher |
| | P1.45 | Point based comparison study of Daymet and PRISM temperature interpolations from 1980 to 2003 Rebecca A. Scully, Utah State University, Logan, UT; and M. A. White |
| | P1.46 | Summertime urban heat Island in Newark, New Jersey and its relationship with urban particulate matter Christopher Thuman, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ |
|  | P1.47 | Flow and momentum flux measurement by LIDAR over a forest canopy during NIFTY Duick Young, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; and S. C. Pryor and R. Barthelmie |
| | P1.48 | Statistical Analysis of the Correlations between the Sea Surface Temperatures and the West African Monsoon Precipitation in Western Sahel, Central Sahel, and Guinea Coast Regions Anastasia G. Yanchilina, Creighton University, Omaha, NE; and D. J. M. Schrage |
| | P1.49 | The Effects of Differential Rotation on 1-2 Solar Mass Stars Marques Cameron, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA |
| | P1.50 | Analysis of WRF-ARW simulations of the 22 May 2008 Windsor, CO tornado using WSR-88D radar data Grant E. Gutierrez, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO; and C. L. Moon, D. A. Koch, and S. P. Rocheford |
| | P1.51 | CIMSS Educational Outreach Activities: Summer 2008 Luke Schiferl, CIMSS/SSEC/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. Ackerman and M. Mooney |
| | P1.52 | Optical and Radiative Properties of Aerosols over Southwestern Puerto Rico Yaítza Luna-Cruz, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR; and C. U. Pabón-Ortiz, R. Armstrong, H. J. Jiménez, and E. Joseph |
| | P1.53 | Analysis of daily monsoonal wind circulations in the lower troposphere over Estación Obispo, Mexico using wind profilers and the Gulf Surge Index Sandra Leticia Diaz, NCAR/SOARS, Boulder, CO; and L. M. Hartten |
| | P1.54 | Lagrangian satellite imagery Daniel J. Halperin, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and C. G. Herbster and F. R. Mosher |
| | P1.55 | Black Carbon Radiative Effect on Tropical Precipitation Aaron M. Adams, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Coconut Grove, FL |
| | P1.56 | An interactive instructional pathway to LEAD portal data and tools Sean States, Millersville Univ., Millersville, PA; and R. Junod, S. Cecelski, B. Kerschner, R. Carp, J. Kurdzo, K. Ketchell, D. S. Yalda, and D. R. Clark |
| | P1.57 | An Overview of the Marine Climate of Lincoln Rock, Alaska Kevin A. Bowley, NOAA/NWSFO, State College, PA |
| | P1.58 | A climatology of the mid-Atlantic winter-time jet stream Robert Junod, Millersville Univ., Millersville, PA; and S. R. Baxter and D. S. Yalda |
| | P1.59 | Defining the early evening boundary layer transition using sodar and surface data Jessica Busse, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL |
| | P1.60 | Detection of flooded areas using AMSR-E observations Alexander R. Davies, Millersville University, Millersville, PA; and X. Zhan and A. Kumar |
| | P1.61 | Understanding Hurricane Intensity Using Sea Surface Height and Temperature Information John Sears, NASA, Salem, NH; and R. E. Hood and F. J. LaFontaine |
| | P1.62 | Distribution of Hydrometeors Inside Regions of Vertical Motion in Thunderstorms Jacob R. Beitlich, Univ. if Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and P. K. Wang |
| | P1.63 | Radar characteristics of tornado producing mini-supercell in Tropical Storm Erin (2007) Christina Holt, NWC REU & CASA, Mobile, AL; and K. A. Kloesel |
| | P1.64 | The February 2007 “Valentine's Day Storm”: diagnosis and impact on the Washington, DC area Elizabeth J. Thompson, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN; and B. J. Lasorsa and S. Zubrick |
| | P1.65 | High flow events in small watersheds in New York State Andrew J. Shook, Cornell Unviersity, Ithaca, NY; and A. DeGaetano |
| | P1.66 | A case study of a Coastally Trapped Wind and Stratus Event along the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Alaska Emily L. Niebuhr, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and M. Hitchman |
| | P1.67 | Spatial database analysis of atmospheric deposition and terrestrial accumulation of mercury within Acadia National Park Melinda S. Diehl, University of Maine, Orono, ME |
| | P1.68 | Mass Media During Natural Disasters and Vulnerability of Coastal Communities: A Case Study of the San José Community in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico Luis D. Padilla-Bauzá, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR; and A. Monzón |
| | P1.69 | Formation of African Easterly Waves and Mesoscale Convective Systems over Eastern Africa and its Implication to Tropical Cyclogenesis over Eastern Atlantic Ocean James Spinks, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin, G. Tang, and W. Jones |
| | P1.70 | Drop-size distributions of storm types in southeast Texas Matthew Raper, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and C. Schumacher, L. J. Hopper, and K. E. Brugman |
| | P1.71 | An observational analysis of middle tropospheric stable layers over the tropical western pacific ARM sites Bradley R. Charboneau, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; and D. J. Posselt |
| | P1.72 | Potential Parameters for Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Jason Hwang, University of Miami, Palmetto Bay, FL; and S. S. Chen |
| | P1.73 | Assesment of Computer Technology in West Cental Illinois Elementary Schools Ryan D. Wichman Sr., Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL; and M. S. Tucker II and C. A. Parrott |
| | P1.74 | Local AMS student chapter and Eagle chapter of Chi Epsilon Pi at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Daniel J. Halperin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL; and K. L. Seaman and R. Haley |
| | P1.75 | Verification of the ratio of iodine to ozone in typical ozonesonde cathode solutions L. A. Baran, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; and J. L. Mercer and T. Deshler |
| | P1.76 | State of tropical instability waves in a current generation coupled climate model Balachandrudu Narapusetty, George Mason University, Calverton, MD |
| | P1.77 | An analysis of the 2007-2008 tornado cool season Madison L. Burnett, National Weather Center Research Experience for Undergraduates, Norman, OK; and G. W. Carbin and J. Schaefer |
| | P1.78 | An updated warm season convective wind climatology for the Florida Spaceport Christopher J. Ander, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH ; and A. J. Frumkin and J. P. Koermer |
| | P1.79 | Orographic Effects on the Evolution of African Easterly Wave-Mesoscale Convective Systems over Northern Africa Wilson Jones, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and G. Tang, Y. L. Lin, and J. Spinks |
| | P1.80 | An assessment of air quality in the Houston region by NASA DEVELOP students Amy Sanders, DEVELOP National Program, Hampton, VA; and R. Legatt, D. Doddridge, B. Baxley, E. Roberts, and L. Lynaugh |
| | P1.81 | Effects of Orography on the Genesis of Hurricane Javier (2004) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean Van Nguyen, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin |
| | P1.82 | A data visualization of the ASCENDS mission by NASA DEVELOP students Thomas Nelson Hillyer, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA; and A. Kramolisch, B. Hughes, J. Atkins, J. Wilkins, and J. Crouch |
| | P1.83 | An Investigation of Entrainment in Trade Wind Cumuli Amanda M. Sheffield, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; and S. Lasher-Trapp |
| | P1.84 | An Investigation of Entrainment in Trade Wind Cumulus Clouds Amanda M. Sheffield, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; and S. Lasher-Trapp |
|  | P1.85 | Investigating middle school and college students' conceptions and misconceptions about wind, fog, and tornadoes Elizabeth Polito, San Francisco State Univ., San Francisco, CA; and K. Tanner, J. P. Monteverdi, and O. Garcia |
| | P1.86 | Does southeast Texas need an additional upper-air station? Amanda Fanning, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and B. Haines, J. Stachnik, and C. Schumacher |
| | P1.87 | A case study of the July 24, 2008 New Hampshire tornado Jennifer F. Newman, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; and S. J. Colucci |
| | P1.88 | New England Winter Severity Indices Anthony R. Fusco, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH |
| | P1.89 | A composite-based diagnostic study of Colorado lee cyclogenesis Doug A. Koch, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO; and P. Nutter and E. Thaler |
| | P1.90 | Relationships between Vegetation Boundaries and Severe Local Storms in the Delta Region of Mississippi David Paul Keeney, Mississipi State University, Mississippi State, MS; and D. M. Brown |
| | P1.91 | Northern Hemisphere tropical cyclone activity Ryan N. Maue, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL |
| | P1.92 | Observed Ozone in the Troposphere and Stratosphere in Varying Atmospheric Conditions Jessica Guerrero, NSF, Howard Beach, NY |
| | P1.93 | Comparing National Weather Service and Local TV Station Radar Estimates of Rainfall David Zelinsky, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN; and D. Pezzute, M. Ervin, B. Simpson, K. Burris, J. Stengel, J. Pace, J. Nusbaumer, R. Tharp, J. S. Haase, and M. E. Baldwin |