|  | JP1.8 | Inter-comparison of cloud property retrievals from GOES, Aqua-MODIS, CloudSat, and CALIPSO over the mid-high latitudes of North America during 2008 Douglas A. Spangenberg, SSAI, Hampton, VA; and M. L. Nordeen, R. Palikonda, J. K. Ayers, F. L. Chang, and P. Minnis |
| | JP1.9 | Preliminary Results for the Retrieval of Convective Momentum Fluxes Using TRMM and CloudSat Christopher P. Jewett, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and J. R. Mecikalski |
| | JP1.10 | Analysis and validation of the spatio-temporal distribution of latent heating in the Southeast Asian monsoon region Manuel D. Zuluaga, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and C. D. Hoyos and P. J. Webster |
| | JP1.11 | Empirical normalization for the effect of volcanic stratospheric aerosols on AVHRR NDVI Marco Vargas, NOAA, Camp Springs, MD; and F. Kogan and W. Guo |
| | JP1.12 | Cloud mask and Quality control for SST within the Advanced Clear Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO) Boris Petrenko, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, IMSG Inc, Camp Springs, MD; and A. Ignatov, Y. Kihai, X. Liang, N. Shabanov, and A. K. Heidinger |
| | JP1.13 | Error Characterization in the AVHRR Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO) Sea Surface Temperatures Feng Xu, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and A. Ignatov and X. Liang |
| | JP1.14 | Operational cloud analysis in polar regions Robert P. D'Entremont, AER, Lexington, MA; and G. B. Gustafson and J. B. Eylander |
| | JP1.15 | Cloud type classified by the split window and CALIOP Toshiro Inoue, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan |
| | JP1.16 | Cloud climatology over the western ghats of southern india Ronald M. Welch, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and V. S. Manoharn, U. S. Nair, R. O. Lawton, and D. K. Ray |
| | JP1.17 | Enhanced satellite cloud products for climate studies Tom Greenwald, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and R. Bennartz |
| | JP1.18 | Hyperspectral model validation in cloudy radiance space from AIRS Ovidiu Pancrati, EC, Dorval, QC , Canada; and L. Garand and S. Heilliette |
| | JP1.19 | Improved determination of surface and atmospheric temperatures using only shortwave AIRS channels Joel Susskind, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and J. Blaisdell |
| | JP1.20 | Global hyperspectral resolution surface IR emissivity spectra derived from AIRS measurements Jinlong Li, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. Li, E. Weisz, and E. Borbas |
| | JP1.21 | Clouds Synergy through NASA Goddard Giovanni Online System Hualan Rui, ADNET and NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and G. Leptoukh, S. Shen, J. Pan, S. Berrick, and S. J. Kempler |
| | JP1.22 | A comparison of MISR cloud motion vectors and NOAA radar wind profiler data Laura M. Hinkelman, JISAO/Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA; and R. T. Marchand and T. P. Ackerman |
| | JP1.23 | Soundings from Current and Future Geostationary Satellites Timothy J. Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, Madison, WI; and J. Li, J. Gurka, J. Daniels, M. Goldberg, and P. Menzel |
| | JP1.24 | High Temporal GOES Sounding Retrievals in Cloudy Regions and Applications Zhenglong Li, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. Li, P. Menzel, T. J. Schmit, and J. Nelson |
| | JP1.25 | Retrievals of Upper Tropospheric Temperature and Water Vapor using UW/SSEC S-HIS data collected during the Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment (JAIVEx) Sarah Bedka, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and P. Antonelli, R. Knuteson, H. E. Revercomb, W. Smith, D. Tobin, and H. Woolf |
| | JP1.26 | Preliminary validation of GPCI simulations with observational data from NASA's A-Train Aqua, CloudSat and Calipso satellites Sambingo Cardoso, NCAR /CGUL Portugal, Boulder, CO; and J. Teixeira, P. Rasch, P. Miranda, A. Gettelman, Y. Zhang, S. Klein, G. Mace, C. Hannay, M. Koehler, M. Zhao, P. Siebesma, P. Marquet, A. Lock, C. Jakob, C. DeMott, H. Kitagawa, and D. Mironov |
| | JP1.27 | Sea surface air temperature and humidity retrievals based on AMSU measurements Lei Shi, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and H. M. Zhang |
| | JP1.28 | Examination of viewing zenith angle dependence on cloud heights derived from thermal infrared satellite observations Christopher Rogers Yost, Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis, K. Ayers, R. Palikonda, D. A. Spangenberg, S. sun-Mack, and Y. Chen |
| | JP1.29 | Comparison of cloud properties derived from MSG SEVIRI and ARM Mobile Facility observations J. Kirk Ayers, SSAI, Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis, R. Palikonda, C. R. Yost, D. A. Spangenberg, F. L. Chang, and L. Nguyen |
| | JP1.30 | Retrieving Cloud and Radiation Parameters in Near-Real-Time from Global Geostationary Satellite Data Patrick Minnis, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and L. Nguyen, R. Palikonda, P. W. Heck, D. A. Spangenberg, M. Khaiyer, J. K. Ayers, W. L. Smith, Jr., F. L. Chang, Q. Z. Trepte, D. R. Doelling, C. R. Yost, L. A. Avey, and T. L. Chee |