Over the last several years, COMET's satellite education programs have focused on the capabilities and applications of the upcoming next generation operational polar- orbiting and GOES-R satellites and their relevance to operational forecasters and other user communities. By partnering with experts from the Naval Research Laboratory, NOAA-NESDIS and its Cooperative Institutes, Meteorological Service of Canada, and other user communities, COMET stimulates greater utilization of both current and future satellite data observations and products. COMET also continues to broaden the scope of its online training to include materials on the EUMETSAT Polar-orbiting System (EPS) and Meteosat geostationary satellites. EPS represents an important contribution to the Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS) between NOAA and EUMETSAT, while Meteosat imaging capabilities provide an important proving ground for the next-generation GOES-R imager. In addition, COMET and its partners have launched efforts to update earlier satellite modules that are heavily used by the operational forecast community.
This presentation provides an overview of COMET's recent satellite education efforts and publications, highlighting new materials relevant to both polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites. These materials are available via the MetEd Web site (www.meted.ucar.edu/topics_satellite.php) and COMET's Environmental Satellite Resource Center (ESRC) Web site (www.meted.ucar.edu/esrc). The ESRC is a searchable, database driven Web site that provides easy access to a wide range of useful information and training materials on Earth observing satellites.