Session 5 Preparing the User Communities I

Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
4C-1 (Washington State Convention Center)
Host: Seventh Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems
James J. Gurka, GSFC, NASA/Gsfc, Greenbelt, MD and Gary McWilliams, NESDIS JPSS Program Office/Science and Technology Corporation, Lanham, MD

8:30 AM
GOES-R proving ground: plans for 2011 and beyond
James J. Gurka, GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and S. J. Goodman, T. J. Schmit, A. Mostek, S. D. Miller, A. S. Bachmeier, M. DeMaria, and B. Reed
8:45 AM
New Features in COMET's Environmental Satellite Resource Center V2.0
Wendy Schreiber-Abshire, COMET, Boulder, CO; and B. Guarente and P. Dills
9:00 AM
Satellite meteorology education resources from COMET: what's new?
Patrick Dills, UCAR/COMET, Boulder, CO; and W. Schreiber-Abshire and M. Weingroff
9:15 AM
NASA SPoRT prepares for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
Geoffrey T. Stano, ENSCO/SPoRT, Huntsville, AL; and K. K. Fuell and G. J. Jedlovec
9:30 AM
The GOES-R Proving Ground 2010 Spring Experiment at NOAA's Hazardous Weather Testbed and Storm Prediction Center
Christopher W. Siewert, Univ. of Oklahoma/CIMMS, Norman, OK; and K. M. Kuhlman, B. Reed, D. Reynolds, R. S. Schneider, and S. J. Goodman
9:45 AM
The Global Impact of Polar Orbiter Direct Broadcast Data
Kathleen I. Strabala, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and L. E. Gumley and A. Huang
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner