Session 5 Emerging Lidar methods and applications

Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
307-308 (Washington State Convention Center)
Host: 5th Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Applications
Anthony B. Davis, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA and Shane D. Mayor, California State Univ., Department of Physics, Chico, CA

8:30 AM
A case for more multiple scattering lidar from space: Analysis of four LITE pulses returned from a marine stratocumulus deck
Anthony B. Davis, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; and D. M. Winker
8:45 AM
Lidar Wind Resource Assessment in Simple and Complex Terrain
Amina El Kasmi, GL Garrad Hassan, Montreal, QC, Canada; and D. Faghani, É. Derosiers, and D. Jaynes
9:00 AM
Application of Doppler lidar in forestry research
Katja Träumner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany; and A. Wieser, L. Röhner, B. Ruck, and U. Corsmeier
9:15 AM
Fiber Raman amplifier for O2 integrated path differential absorption measurements near 1.26 micron
Jeremy T. Dobler, ITT Geospatial Systems, Fort Wayne, IN; and J. Nagel, V. L. Temyanko, B. Karpowicz, T. S. Zaccheo, E. V. Browell, and F. W. Harrison
9:30 AM
Validation of airborne CO2 laser measurements
Edward V. Browell, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and J. T. Dobler, S. A. Kooi, M. A. Fenn, Y. Choi, S. A. Vay, F. W. Harrison, B. Moore III, and T. S. Zaccheo
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner