Monday, 24 January 2011
Handout (27.2 MB)
On June 22nd, 2010 two severe weather systems were tracked across portions of the Great Plains by the NSF Earthscope USArray Transportable seismic network; a dense array of over 400 seismic stations with a 75 km station spacing located in grid formation across the continental United States. While the seismic stations are equipped with a standard package of seismic instrumentation, many are also equipped with internal VTI SCP1000 MEMS barometric pressure gauges. Data from these sensors show clear correlation in time with thunderstorm cell passage and pressure changes and low-frequency seismic noise at the target USArray stations. The unique nature about all instrumentation onboard the USArray stations is that data is recorded continuously at 1 sps and transmitted in real-time. With the high quality of atmospheric pressure data return and a spatial distribution that is denser than the NEXRAD Doppler array, the USArray network provides a unique perspective on surface weather research and potential tool for now-casting severe weather events. This paper will present the observations from June 22nd 2010 and other storms to introduce potential research areas based on the various data acquired.
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