The Network-Enabled Verification Service (NEVS) is being developed as a component in the NextGen infrastructure in support of NextGen services of forecast weather distribution and its use in ATM decision-making. NEVS will support the integration of weather into ATM operations in the following ways:
Verification in an aviation decision-making context: NEVS will provide assessment information using verification approaches that incorporate decision-making criteria and provide accuracy information relative to the forecast's translation to aviation impacts.
Alignment with the NextGen infrastructure: NEVS will be aligned with the NextGen infrastructure for data delivery and consumption. NEVS will be a consumer of 4D Wx Data Cube for forecast and observation data needed as inputs to its verification methods. As a producer, NEVS will make its verification results available to the 4D Wx Data Cube according to NextGen service and format standards.
Real-time feedback: NEVS will operate in real time to perform forecast verification as soon as the forecast and other necessary data becomes available. The resulting scores will be made available as soon as they are computed.
Within this paper, the NEVS synthesis, monitoring, alert, and 4-D cube capabilities will be demonstrated in the context of specific aviation operational scenarios.