Thursday, 27 January 2011: 11:45 AM
613/614 (Washington State Convention Center)
Jack Settelmaier, NOAA/NWS, Fort Worth, TX; and A. Gibbs, P. Santos, T. Freeman, and D. Gaer
(1.4 MB)
The guidance from numerical weather prediction models is an integral part of the National Weather Service forecast process. As technology continues to steadily advance, numerical models are no longer run exclusively on large, central computing facilities, but can now be run locally on computer workstations. This has resulted in an explosion in the use of local high-resolution models by NWS field offices during the past decade. Such models not only provide higher resolution guidance, but are also used as training tools or as a mechanism for collaboration with partners in research projects addressing local forecast problems. Furthermore, the models have not been limited to atmospheric modeling but also are used to model such fields as wave height and currents, useful for offices with marine responsibility.
The focus of this presentation is the adaptation of the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model at all coastal offices in the NWS Southern Region. This technology infusion has been a multi-faceted effort requiring the attention and contributions from many individuals within Southern Region. The science and technology decisions that were made will be outlined. These include the configuration of inner-nests that permits sub-kilometer modeling closest to the shoreline, while accounting for wave interactions with the Gulf Stream by coupling the model with the Real Time Ocean Forecast System. Additionally, examples of how the model output is being applied will be shared. Preliminary verification results from studies currently being conducted will also be presented.
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