Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 9:45 AM
608 (Washington State Convention Center)
The word vog is a blend of the words volcanic and smog. It is created when a volcano erupts and emits sulfur dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. These chemicals mix with the oxygen that plants produce and with moisture in the air. In the presence of sunlight, these chemicals mix to form vog. Vog is an aerosol and can be measured with a condensation nuclei counter. Measurements of condensation nuclei concentration in two size ranges and aerosol optical depth at two wavelengths were made at seven different sites around the Big Island of Hawaii. These measurements give scientists a much better idea of the vog conditions on the Big Island. From October 1996 to May, 1999 over 6,000 measurements were made. This data shows how the particle concentrations, size, distribution, and aerosol optical depth varies around the island as a result of the prevailing wind direction and temperature inversion. From this data many conclusions can be drawn. Two of the most notable findings include the ways vog particles move with the prevailing wind and the hours of the days which vog affects the island the most.
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