Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Washington State Convention Center
Handout (395.6 kB)
Quantification of water consumptive use is increasingly important as water resources are placed under growing tension by increased users and interests. Scarce water supplies can be managed more efficiently through the use of information and prediction tools accessible via the Internet. METRIC (Mapping ET at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) represents a maturing technology for deriving a remote sensing-based surface energy balance for estimating ET. This technology has the potential to become widely adopted and routinely used as input to operational and planning models for water demand forecasting, reservoir operations, ground-water management, irrigation water supply planning, water rights regulation, and for the improvement, validation, and use of hydrological models. Distribution of results via the Web provides a vehicle through which ET estimates can be made more accessible to hydrologic modelers and other end users. ET Server is a Web mapping application that allows end user to assess the results of the spatially distributed ET modeling and compare with results from conventional ET estimation methods prior to assimilation in surface and ground water models. In addition, this application provides rapid and transparent access to the data, utilizing GIS-based analytical tools that facilitate ET assessments associated with a selected spatio-temporal scale of interest.