The impacts of wave forcings are diagnosed in a zonally symmetric version of the full model. Daily eddy forcing is calculated from the full model and the effects of different wave numbers and different regions of the forcings are separately diagnosed. The mean wintertime stratospheric temperature response to total eddy forcings displays a pattern of cooling in the tropics and warming in the middle and high latitudes, as expected from the Brewer-Dobson circulation. This pattern is primarily due to the planetary wave forcing in the stratosphere, and partly due to synoptic wave forcing in the lower stratosphere. Among the stratospheric temperature response to planetary wave forcing, eddy momentum flux and resultant subtropical wave drag are more important for tropical cooling, whereas eddy heat flux is more important for high latitude warming. This suggests the meridional wave propagation to low latitudes is necessary for extratropical waves to induce tropical upwelling. We will also present to what extent the daily evolution of planetary wave forcing during transient events (such as stratospheric sudden warming or stratospheric final warming) can induce a residual circulation and associated tropical cooling.