Handout (425.6 kB)
In this contribution we will investigate the potential of aerosols as well as mesoscale dynamical perturbations in triggering transitions in Sc cloud morphologies in the Southeast Pacific region. We will simulate a POC case that has been observed and sampled by the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft during the VOCALS-REx field campaign in October 2008. We will compare the simulated microphysical and macrophysical cloud properties against the in situ microphysical measurements from the aircraft and against satellite observations.
The simulations will be performed with a high-resolution (2 km horizontal grid spacing) regional model, which accounts for aerosol-cloud interactions and local aerosol emissions from the ocean as well as anthropogenic emissions from South America. Sensitivity studies and trajectory analysis will enable us to determine whether the observed POC has been triggered by dynamical feedbacks induced by aerosols or by synoptic-scale/mesoscale dynamical perturbations. Furthermore, we will be able to tell whether the aerosol involved originated from natural or anthropogenic sources.