Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Washington State Convention Center
Handout (1.9 MB)
We review GOES-R training directed towards forecasters that is related to the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integrated Training (VISIT) Program, the Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology (SHyMet) Program, the GOES-R Program, and the GOES-R Proving Ground. It includes teletraining, face-to-face, recorded modules and weather event simulations. User feedback and evaluation on the part of the trainers and developers is an important process and we offer (and will graciously receive as well) suggestions for making the transition from research to operations smoother. We touch on the many approaches directed towards the national community that have been directly applicable to the international community and vice versa. We also weave the theme of experience into the discussion both from the perspectives of developing and delivering the training and receiving and utilizing the training. We end on future plans.