Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 11:00 AM
307-308 (Washington State Convention Center)
Wind profile information is an important tool for identifying atmospheric features and for proper weather forecasting. Yet, remote measurements of wind from satellite platforms have not been realized despite its importance [Demoz et all, 2009]. That is why a major effort is being put towards remote based atmospheric profiling. With this is mind, a wind lidar experiment was completed during the AERosol Ocean Science Expedition - AEROSE VI, which took place aboard the NOAA Master R/V Ronald H. Brown from 26 April to 23 May 2010 and covered the trans-Atlantic region extending from Takoradi, Ghana to Charleston, SC. The purpose of this study was to identify the limitations and errors associated with offshore lidar profiling using the Leosphere Windcube© Doppler Lidar on its first time aboard a ship. A statistical analysis of the lidar measurements along three different transects was carried: along the equator (ship moving west), along the 23W (ship moving due north) and along 20N (ship moving west). Uncorrected lidar datasets for all three transects were compared with wind radiosonde (RAOB) data that was retrieved during the expedition. Based on this behavior, magnitude and direction corrections were applied to the 23W transect dataset and were compared with RAOB vertical wind profiles as well.