Monday, 24 January 2011
Handout (47.2 MB)
IPS MeteoStar, Inc (IPSM) implemented a military meteorology decision support system for the Iraqi Air Force Weather Agency (IAFWA) as part of an agency-wide modernization program overseen by the US Army and US Air Force. Headquartered in Baghdad, the IAFWA provides tailored weather analysis and forecast services for military operations spanning 6 IAF bases in Iraq. They also support the Iraqi Army and Navy with military-focused weather products. To facilitate safety of flight within the IAF, accurate, timely weather forecasts must be created. Production of these precise weather forecasts by the IAFWA requires access to the most detailed and up-to-date meteorological data available. Iraq and much of the Middle East is known to be a data-sparse area with respect to weather information. As a result, IAFWA weather forecasters have limited access to detailed data to make accurate forecasts. In the past, the IAFWA have relied heavily on the US Air Force for in-situ weather data, systems, support and training. However, recent efforts have been made to mature the IAFWA's ability to provide quality, timely, tailored weather forecasts and decision products. IPSM recently won a competitive bid to provide an European Union Meteorological Satellite (EUMETSAT) + Leading Environmental Analysis and Display System (LEADS®) solution to the IAFWA. This systems primary purpose is to provide the IAFWA with a state-of-the-art, easy to use weather data reception and display system. The delivered EUMETSAT + LEADS® system includes advanced product visualization, web services, data interrogation, and seamless product distribution tools. The overall system, a first for Iraq, allowed the IAFWA to not only reduce their reliance on US forces for weather data, systems, and support, but also provided for a means to support military operations in times of frequent internet outages.
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