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Analysis of the antecedent large-scale conditions indicate that a high-latitude blocking anticyclone over western Asia and eastern Europe, responsible for producing record heat over Russia, helped anchor an anomalously deep upper-level trough over central Russia just northwest of Pakistan throughout much of June and July. During 20-31 July, downstream development and diabatic outflow from a widespread outbreak of convection over the Bay of Bengal contributed to intense ridge building over the Tibetan Plateau. This anomalous ridge (+3 to 4 sigma relative to the long-term climatology), combined with the persistent anomalous trough ({1 to 2 sigma) over central Russia, resulted in an intense upper-level jet and jet-entrance-region over northern Pakistan that persisted throughout the last week of July. Within this synoptic-scale envelope favorable for deep quasi-geostrophic (QG) ascent, anomalously strong low-level southeasterly flow over northern India just south of the Himalayas likely helped to advect deep tropical moisture (precipitable water values > 65 mm) into Pakistan where deep upslope flow was prevalent. The anomalous southeasterly flow occurred in conjunction with the passage of a monsoon low-pressure center over the southern part of India and Pakistan during 27-31 July, and was likely further intensified in response to deep easterly flow on the equatorward side of the Tibetan anticyclone and by QG processes associated with the upper-level jet entrance region just north of Pakistan. Ensemble forecasts from the Global Forecast System/Ensemble Kalman Filter (GFS EnKF) will be used to assess the model performance for this extreme rain event. In particular, we will examine the ability of the ensemble to accurately predict (i) the ridge building episode over the Tibetan Plateau and attendant upper-level jet intensification, and (ii) the development of enhanced low-level southeasterly flow over northern India and attendant moisture flux into Pakistan.
Supplementary URL: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/people/thomas.galarneau/research/pakistan.html