Session 4 Lidar Networks, Long-term Climate Observations, Automated Operational Lidars

Tuesday, 25 January 2011: 3:30 PM-5:45 PM
307-308 (Washington State Convention Center)
Host: 5th Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Applications
Thierry Leblanc, California Institute of Technology, JPL-Table Mountain Facility, Wrightwood, CA and David M. Sonnenfroh, Physical Sciences Inc., Andover, MA

3:30 PM
3:45 PM
Long-Term Evaluation of Raman Lidar Temperature Profiles
Rob K. Newsom, PNNL, Richland, WA; and D. D. Turner
4:00 PM
Characterizing urban boundary layer dynamics using radar, lidar, sodar, surface observations and predictions from numerical models
Mark Arend, City College of New York, New York, NY; and E. Gutierrez, B. Madhavan, C. M. Gan, S. Abdelazim, B. Gross, D. Santoro, F. Moshary, J. Gonzalez, and S. Ahmed
4:15 PM
Comparison of wind measurements at the Howard University Beltsville Research Campus
Kevin Vermeesch, SSAI, Greenbelt, MD; and B. Gentry, G. J. Koch, M. Boquet, H. Chen, U. N. Singh, B. B. Demoz, and T. Bacha
4:30 PM
Shareware lidar: an entry level network system to enable boundary layer and cloud studies for the lower troposphere
Timothy A. Berkoff, GEST/Univ. of Maryland, Greenbelt, MD; and J. Compton, P. Sawamura, J. Campbell, E. J. Welton, and R. M. Hoff

5:00 PM
Formation and climatology of tropical mid-level clouds at Darwin, Australia
Laura D. Riihimaki, PNNL, Richland, WA; and S. A. McFarlane and J. M. Comstock
5:15 PM
Measurements Of Humidity in the Atmosphere and Validation Experiments (MOHAVE) 2009: Campaign Review
Thierry Leblanc, California Institute of Technology, Wrightwood, CA; and I. S. McDermid, D. Hurst, L. Miloshevich, H. Vomel, D. N. Whiteman, T. J. McGee, S. I. Gutman, G. E. Nedoluha, N. Kampfer, C. Straub, L. Twigg, G. Toon, T. D. Walsh, J. J. Braun, and B. Haines
5:30 PM
Optical Autocovariance Wind Lidar (OAWL): A New Approach to Direct-Detection Doppler Wind Profiling
Christian Grund, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, CO; and S. C. Tucker
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner