Joint Poster Session 2 Drought Management, Policy and Social Implications

Thursday, 27 January 2011: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
4E (Washington State Convention Center)
Hosts: (Joint between the 25th Conference on Hydrology; and the Sixth Symposium on Policy and Socio-economic Research )
Rosalind Bark, University of Arizona, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Tucson, AZ; Gregg M. Garfin, University of Arizona, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth, Tucson, AZ and Mark Shafer, Oklahoma Climatological Survey, Norman, OK

Drought Characterization: Indicators and Decision-Making
Shraddhanand Shukla, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and A. C. Steinemann and D. P. Lettenmaier

Water shortages and agriculture in the Colorado River Basin: adaptations and economic impacts
George Frisvold, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and K. Konyar

Vision into Action: The Establishment and Facilitation of an Effective Drought Coordinator Network in the United States
Crystal J. Bergman, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; and D. Bathke, M. D. Svoboda, N. A. Wall, J. Nothwehr, J. Robine, T. K. Bernadt, and M. Hayes

Handout (807.0 kB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner