Poster Session 1 Computational intelligence methods and their applications to environmental science

Monday, 24 January 2011: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center
Host: Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications to the Environmental Sciences

Towards the effective communication of weather and climate information—harnessing new technologies to integrate material from various sources on the web to generate new products
Harvey Stern, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; and B. Campbell, M. Efron, and J. Cornall-Reilly
Manuscript (371.9 kB)

Handout (80.1 kB)

Methods to rank and classify severe weather outbreaks
Chad M. Shafer, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK ; and C. A. Doswell III
Manuscript (1.8 MB)

An analysis of the performance of classification methods applied to lightning images
Marcelo Biancao Crivelaro, Centro Universitario da FEI, Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and R. B. B. Gin and R. A. C. Bianchi

Impact of uncertainty in planetary boundary layer depth on concentration predictions
Kerrie J. Schmehl, Penn State University, State College, PA; and S. E. Haupt, B. P. Reen, and A. J. Annunzio

Support vector machine techniques to predict tropical cyclone re-intensification following extratropical transition
Israel Vaughn, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and J. S. Tyo and E. A. Ritchie

Handout (1.3 MB)

Expanding ceiling and visibility site forecasting: interesting cases and algorithm improvements
Richard E. Bateman, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. Herzegh, B. Lambi, and J. Cowie

Turbulence hazard nowcast products and accident case performance analyses (Formerly Poster 760)
Gary Blackburn, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado; and F. McDonough, J. K. Williams, J. A. Craig, J. M. Pearson, G. Meymaris, J. Abernethy, and R. D. Sharman

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner