Poster Session 4 Poster Session 4

Thursday, 27 January 2011: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Washington State Convention Center
Host: 23rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change

Climate of the 20th and 21th century simulations by a 60-km mesh global atmospheric model
Shoji Kusunoki, MRI, Tsukuba, Japan; and J. Yoshimura and H. Murakami

Handout (358.4 kB)

Northern Hemisphere atmospheric blocking as simulated by a 60-km-mesh MRI AGCM in the period 1872-2099
Mio Matsueda, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan; and H. Endo

Climate sensitivity to lake properties and distribution using an improved lake model in CCSM
Zachary M. Subin, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; and W. J. Riley and C. Bonfils

Handout (891.4 kB)

Global warming shifts Pacific tropical cyclone location
MinHo Kwon, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Ansan, Korea, Republic of (South); and T. Li, J. S. Kug, and J. J. Luo
Manuscript (395.8 kB)

Using climate model data to determine spatial synoptic classifications
Neil Davis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; and A. Hanna, A. Xiu, K. Talgo, and S. C. Sheridan

Downscaling CCSM data using WRF for air quality modeling
Kevin Talgo, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; and A. Hanna, A. Xiu, and N. Davis

The redistribution of heat within the Arctic atmosphere during years with very low sea ice extent
Ron Lindsay, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and A. Schweiger

Sensitivity of the thermocline feedback to global warming in coupled GCMs: Implications for changes in ENSO amplitude
P.N. DiNezio, University of Miami, Miami, FL; and A. Clement, G. A. Vecchi, B. Kirtman, and S. K. Lee

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner