Session 2 Dense Gas Experiments & Modeling II

Thursday, 27 January 2011: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
604 (Washington State Convention Center)
Host: Special Symposium on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology
Michael J. Brown, LANL, Systems Engineering & Integration, Los Alamos, NM

11:00 AM
A Preliminary Analysis of HPAC Modeling during the Jack Rabbit Test program
Edward P. Argenta Jr., U.S. Army, Dugway Proving Ground, UT; and J. M. White, D. P. Storwold Jr., and J. C. Pace
11:15 AM
CFD simulations of the Jack Rabbit ammonia and chlorine release experiments using FLACS
Filippo Gavelli, GexCon US, Bethesda, MD; and M. Ichard, S. Davis, and O. R. Hansen
11:30 AM
Comparing Results of Two Chlorine Release Field Experiments—Wild Stallion and Jack Rabbit
Steven R. Hanna, Hanna Consultants, Kennebunkport, ME; and R. Britter, R. Koopman, and J. Chang
11:45 AM
Simulation of the Jack Rabbit Release Scenarios using SCIPUFF
Ian Sykes, Sage Management, Inc., Princeton, NJ; and D. Henn and R. Babarsky
12:00 PM
A comparison of hazard area predictions based on the ensemble-mean plume versus individual plume realizations using different toxic load models
Nathan Platt, Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA; and C. Czech, J. Urban, P. Bieringer, G. Bieberbach, A. Wyszogrodzki, and J. Weil
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner