Wednesday, 25 January 2012: 8:30 AM
Trajectory-Based Integration of Aircraft Conflict Detection and Weather Avoidance Fields
Room 335/336 (New Orleans Convention Center )
(675.8 kB)
In anticipation of NextGen requirements for reducing the impact of weather on aviation, we have progressed our research into trajectory-based methods of detecting and resolving aircraft to weather conflicts within automation decision support tools in the en route, terminal, oceanic, and traffic flow management domains. We are building these tools to use gridded weather avoidance fields, as may be available from the NextGen Net Enabled Weather (NNEW)/Single Authoritative Source (SAS) and NextGen Weather Processor (NWP). This year's work builds on the prototype Lockheed Martin developed in 2010, which displayed conflicts between an aircraft trajectory and gridded weather fields. We have extended the tool set to include user risk preferences, as well adding weather and aircraft conflict resolution options. The components of our work include 1) generation of 4-D prototype weather avoidance field (WAF), 2) development of a WAF conflict detection service, 3) development of weather re-route resolutions that consider other aircraft and 4) visualization of the interaction of weather products, the resulting weather avoidance field and aircraft trajectories. This paper describes the results of the generation, integration and visualization of weather reroute resolution options based on the probing of gridded weather avoidance fields, user risk preferences and the trajectories of other aircraft.
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