Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 11:15 AM
Room 17A (Austin Convention Center)
(940.8 kB)
One of the objectives for NextGen is to maximize capacity, during adverse weather, efficiently and without compromising safety. In the current National Airspace System (NAS), convective weather events such as thunderstorms can cause major delays due to their impact on traffic flow in the airspace system. The integration of more sophisticated forecast tools, such as the Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS) and trajectory-based weather detection services, with traffic flow automation decision support systems could help to facilitate improved air traffic management. To this end, the FAA defined a demonstration task, identified as Task N, with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) using the Florida NextGen Testbed (FTB) - NextGen research and demonstration facility at the Daytona Beach International Airport in Florida. The FTB is a cooperative FAA/academia/industry initiative to foster NextGen partnerships within industry, academia, and government by providing a facility where new prototype capabilities can be rapidly integrated into a NAS-like environment for demonstration and evaluation of NextGen Operational Improvements (OIs) and Enablers. The Task N project builds upon the work completed in 2008 on Task A Integrated Traffic Management Advisor (TMA), En-Route Automation Modernization (ERAM), and 4D Predictive Weather project. Task N integrates a Lockheed Martin prototype trajectory-based weather conflict detection service developed in 2010 with TMA arrival decision support tool. Together with NNEW capabilities provided by ERAU, gridded weather avoidance product s provided by Ensco, and a SWIM-based infrastructure provided by Harris, TMA has been enhanced under Task N to 1) display net-enabled CIWS weather products and prototype WAF data on the Planview Graphical user Interface (PGUI) display, 2) integrate weather data into TMA decision support algorithms with delay impacts shown on the TMA Timeline Graphical User Interface (TGUI) display and 3) reflect weather deviation impact to metering times on the on the ERAM R-Position display. These innovative enhancements demonstrate the integration of network-enabled weather with en route decision support tools to allow arrival time-based metering to continue while the airspace is impacted by hazardous convective weather.