8.5 The Next Generation of Weather Impacts Decision Aids

Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 12:00 AM
Room 17A (Austin Convention Center)
Richard Shirkey, Army Research Laboratory, WSMR, NM; and J. Brandt, L. Dawson, J. Johnson, S. F. Kirby, D. Marlin, J. Swanson, R. Szymber, and S. Zeng
Manuscript (169.9 kB)

The U.S. Army's second generation (GEN II) of weather decision aids includes MyWIDA (My Weather Impacts Decision Aid) and AIR (Atmospheric Impacts Routing) applications and web services. Users may use the supplied applications or develop their own application making use of the underlying web services.

MyWIDA is a rules-based expert system that can automatically identify and provide favorable, marginal, and unfavorable weather impacts on rotary and fixed wing aircraft. These impacts are presented in the form of a stop light chart overlaid on a map background and are based on operating limitations of those systems. A color-coded Weather Effects Matrix (WEM) can be queried to display detailed textual weather impacts statements/explanations for a specific location. The forecast weather information, available from numerous originating centers, is ingested through a meteorological gridded database which automatically drives MyWIDA.

AIR was designed to determine a least-cost path across multiple waypoints based on a 3D grid of adverse weather impacts. Additionally, AIR provides a mechanism to identify non-weather 3D volumes to avoid when calculating a path, thereby allowing identification of exclusion zones due to terrain, conflicting airspace, closed aviation corridors, or other user-defined conditions. AIR is a highly-flexible and efficient route planning capability that is applicable to multiple domains, including both air and surface operations, and may be executed either as a standalone desktop application or deployed as a web service.

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