MyWIDA is a rules-based expert system that can automatically identify and provide favorable, marginal, and unfavorable weather impacts on rotary and fixed wing aircraft. These impacts are presented in the form of a stop light chart overlaid on a map background and are based on operating limitations of those systems. A color-coded Weather Effects Matrix (WEM) can be queried to display detailed textual weather impacts statements/explanations for a specific location. The forecast weather information, available from numerous originating centers, is ingested through a meteorological gridded database which automatically drives MyWIDA.
AIR was designed to determine a least-cost path across multiple waypoints based on a 3D grid of adverse weather impacts. Additionally, AIR provides a mechanism to identify non-weather 3D volumes to avoid when calculating a path, thereby allowing identification of exclusion zones due to terrain, conflicting airspace, closed aviation corridors, or other user-defined conditions. AIR is a highly-flexible and efficient route planning capability that is applicable to multiple domains, including both air and surface operations, and may be executed either as a standalone desktop application or deployed as a web service.