Among the long list of accomplishments, the weather campers learned leadership skills; worked in groups to solve problems; took daily weather observations with instruments; produced daily weather maps; made daily weather forecasts; learned how to make emergency management decisions; and they learned how to manage water resources with several interactive exercises. The weather campers had several field trips, including a visit to the local National Weather Service Office; the state museum's exhibit Climate Through the Ages; the UNL Polar Ice Core Office to learn about climate change research; the county office of emergency management where they toured the facility and also met the coordinator of the storm spotter network; and, they watched the noon news and weather live on the set of our local CBS TV station and then had fun practicing their weathercaster skills in front of the green screen. Several guest speakers spoke to the campers about careers in meteorology as well as science in general. Each weather camper chose a weather research topic and they used our computer lab and produced a poster that was on display at our Friday evening family picnic.
The week ended with an awards ceremony and two skits about severe weather safety created by the campers and presented to their families at the picnic. Our weather camp continues to be a huge success, let us show you how you can create a successful weather camp and be a part of our national network of CAREERS weather camps.