Poster Session Poster Session - K-12 and Informal Education

Monday, 7 January 2013: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Host: 22nd Symposium on Education
Rajul Pandya, UCAR, Spark, Boulder, CO

The NCAR/UCAR pre-college internship program: Challenges and lessons learned
Scott Landolt, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver, CO; and R. Haacker-Santos

The Young Meteorologist Program supporting a Weather Ready Nation
Ron Gird, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and K. A. Murphy and B. Thomas

Scenario-Based Investigations make Weather Meaningful to All Students
Russell G. Wright, George Washington Univ., Washington, DC

Embedding Environmental Scientists in Informal Science Education Institutions: Strategies and Rewards
Mary Miller, Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA; and D. L. Carlis, M. Mileham, and A. Richardson

Owlie Skywarn: From Conception to the New Millennium
Kathleen A. Murphy, AMS Education Resource Educator, St. Louis, MO

A Rapidly Expanding Summer Weather Camp Program (and more) That Opens Doors to CAREERs in Meteorology
H. Michael Mogil, CCM, CBM Mogil, How The Weatherworks, Naples, FL; and B. G. Levine and D. V. Morris

Engaging Students in Scientific Practices through GLOBE Atmosphere Investigations
Jessica Taylor, NASA, Hampton, VA; and S. A. Crecelius and L. H. Chambers

Handout (492.2 kB)

Keeping the professionalism in professional development of teachers
Alejandro Gallard, Georgia Southern Univ., Statesboro, GA; and A. Kaepplinger and P. Ruscher

Bringing Remote Sensing Education to Next Generation Platforms
Devin Clark, Millersville Univ., Hamburg, PA; and K. F. Dubey, S. Lim, and B. Villanueva

Handout (1.2 MB)

A Hazards Approach to Increase Awareness and Perceived Relevance of the Geosciences: Preliminary Results from a Project Designed to Enhance Diversity
Kathleen Sherman-Morris, Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State, MS; and K. S. McNeal, J. Carroll, M. E. Brown, R. Clary, and J. Diaz-Ramirez

Handout (4.9 MB)

Developing an Effective Summer Weather Camp at the University of Nebraska
Joseph P. Robine, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; and K. Dewey

Celebrating 20 Years of the CIMSS Student Workshop
Patrick Rowley, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and M. Mooney, S. Ackerman, T. Achtor, J. Gerth, B. F. Gjermo, and G. S. Wade

Handout (5.2 MB)

An Inexpensive Webcam System for Capturing Live Skyscapes and Time-lapse Cloudscapes
Walker S. Ashley, Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb, IL; and P. Young and F. Schwantes
Manuscript (187.9 kB)

Handout (147.6 kB)

Earth Gauge: Linking Weather, Environment and Climate
Sara Espinoza, The National Environmental Education Foundation, Washington, DC; and K. Kraus

School Based CO2 Monitoring System
Jeffrey A. Yuhas, Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ; and C. Sloop and P. Bailey-Wells

Foot's Forecast: Opportunities For Your Students
Richard Foot, Foot's Forecast, Baltimore, MD; and H. M. M. C. C. Mogil

Identifying and Improving the Impact of Spatial Thinking in Pre-College Earth Science Courses
Michael J. Passow, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY; and K. A. Kastens and L. Pistolesi

A Climate Consortium for High School Students
Jeffrey A. Yuhas, Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ; and S. Lane

Handout (45.8 MB)

The Concord-Carlisle High School / Oklahoma University Forecasting Group - An experiment in teaching through social media
Jeffrey A. Yuhas, Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ; and W. G. Blumberg, K. T. Halbert, C. Balboni, L. Wallis, and E. Mushlitz

Implementing AMS Climate Studies
Lawrence A. McAdam, Seminole State College, Sanford, FL

Meteorology Book for Children
Anders Sivle, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Bergen, Norway; and I. Burud, L. R. Hole, H. O. Hygen, S. Ledum, and B. Teig

Handout (1.5 MB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner