Monday, 7 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center) is a multi-state weather forecasting and decision support services company guided by the principles of collaboration between the public and private sectors, passion for authentic local weather and innovation of social media technology to help save lives and protect property. Our student-led leadership initiatives utilize informal STEM learning with weather forecasting to engage over 50,000 unique individuals every day in social media and via our website, Our presentation will explore how the students and advisors of the organization provide high school, college and graduate students with competitive, career-building experiences that range from interaction with NOAA professionals and paid internships to providing advisor-guided on site consult to multiple county and state emergency management officials in high impact weather situations. Our presenters will outline specific opportunities that are relevant to students in any learning environment in the U.S. from grade 8 through graduate school and metrics showing career impact that Foot's Forecast has had on students actively involved in the organization across 24 states and in Europe.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner